Support for people in Beirut, Lebanon

in ChallengeEOS5 years ago

I express my sincere condolences to those families who got affected by the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon.

It seemed like a movie but for real it happened and lives and properties were lost to that explosion.


I made a Geo Challenge for a maximum of 1000 people getting to accept it, gets to win 2000 CHL each.
I believe this token will go a long way helping the people of Beirut in Lebanon.

We can see that the ChallengeEOS Application serves the purpose of helping and fostering growth to individuals and the society at large.


What is ChallengeEOS Application?
The ChallengeEOS App is an EOSIO based Geo-specific and time sensitive application used to send and receive challenges to earn reward! Challenges to be completing a simple task or location identification!

It is worth noting that for the creation of each of these Challenges, a reward must be attached for those set to complete it.

If you're yet to downloaded the ChallengeEOS App,use the links below

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May God be with the people of Beirut, Lebanon.

We express our sincere sympathy to the affected families!