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RE: November HPUD Guessing Contest - How many piggies?

in Hive Power2 years ago

Wow! you have a big and amazing hive power. My hive power is not yet a 1% of yours. But it's okay, I am happy with the improvement i have each month.

I hope you can reach your goal for this year.

Hmmm its fun to participate another guessing game of yours @livinguktaiwan as I think I won last guessing game you did last month.

For today's guessing game, I think the mother pig have 7 piglets. 3 with different colors and 4 black. I hope I guess it right. I am looking forward to know the right answer.


Well, I have been here 5 more years than you!!! As long as you grow your stake on Hive, that's all that matters for the long run, it will be worth it taking a long term view here.

Yes, small steps, small wins is what matters. Thanks @livinguktaiwan for the encouragement.