Well done for doing this squats challenge. 👏 I completely stopped with my planks when we went to Krakow and I didn't start doing them again when we came back. (And will not for some time because of my right arm). Maybe this is a message that squats are the thing I could do, but no chance of achieving something like 100 per day for me. 😁
So, let's see the guess...
how many squats in total will I achieve over and above the 7 day target?
In total... 108
(Guess based just on the number of you HP 😁. Not 108 K is my guess though hahaha)
I was doing plank every day during lockdown a few years ago, and it's pretty tough. Don't think I can do it now again, because like you my arm has started to hurt recently. I'm surprised I managed 100 squats on the first day, even though it nearly killed my legs afterwards!!
Good luck with your guess!
Yeah, I can imagine the feeling, especially the next morning when you start to feel the pain the muscles... 🤐