Smart Cities Are a "Dumb Choice"

in Deep Dives3 years ago

"It's not a pandemic, it is an IQ test". What better way of putting it, right?... I know many will probably disagree with me, but I believe the covid pandemic shall remain in the history of humankind as the greatest lucidity, morals, and verticality test that humanity has ever failed.

It's a successfully accomplished one for the ones who wrapped it up for the masses and delivered it. It might not even be over yet...

It's funny how the ones, myself included that are pointing out the new world order, the agendas, and the clear direction in which humanity is being headed are called conspiracy theorists, but when these ideas and "imaginary scenarios" are being presented as future plans and realities by the leaders and most influential people in the world, nobody cares...

Do you feel like it is OK to have your face being scanned by the police, like literally the police, in plain sight, open air, and with all the cards on the table while you're simply going shopping or just passing by a van packed with all sorts of technology able to facially scan individuals and create databases?

image source

I don't think this is OK. I believe we should care more about our freedom. But even when protesters are signaling it the masses(sheeple) don't simply care at all about it. They just consume, obey and respect orders, just like in that movie... I forgot its name :).

Technocracy will probably put communism to shame because communism didn't have the means to massively surveil citizens. The justification however for doing such "tests" in Britain was that "it's an exercise on behalf of the police using scientific research". There's nothing scientific about surveillance. It's just Orwell's predictions becoming true.

The idiot(Boris Jonson) warned us about it for years, when he talked about smart cities and the internet of things. He called Alexa a spy and he was damn right about it, but Alexa didn't rush into our homes, it was actually invited.

You see, the elites are so open about their plans, they behave like that because they know the masses are asleep. They've tested us times and times again. The agenda has its enforcers all around the world well puppeted.

You will own nothing and be happy about it, does that sound familiar... It's in the works, people, it's in the works. Saudi Arabia has already set the pavement for smart cities where 5G plays a crucial role, where individuals will no longer drive anything(especially vehicles), but instead they will be driven through the underground society and they will own nothing because the new smart cities are being created on governments property. The top side of the crust of the hearth will be just for walks and I doubt everyone will have permission to do that.

I mentioned "permissions" because ever since the plandemic started, David Icke, who has been banned by every damn mainstream social media platform, has talked of "social credits", a metric of the future society we're supposed to be living in, which has been already pilot tested in China.

Social credits, as well as carbon credits, will frame one's freedoms and you could place a winning bet on the fact that the elites and rich are going to be doing good in such a system, while the poorer will get poorer and more restricted with time. They(the elites) don't even need the poor anymore, not even as human labor, cuz that's what they've built the robots for.

It's all happening in plain sight, though. They've designed the pandemic as a test, they're now using face recognition technology as a test as well and they're openly talking of smart cities as the future of humanity. So, if everything falls into place(hopefully not) we will be living in a constant lockdown, own nothing, and have our freedoms limited by all sorts of credit that we have to earn in a society that once was free while being tracked with every move.

Where does crypto fall into the equation? Well, so far we haven't made important steps towards decentralization, use of privacy-oriented coins, and circumventing the establishment through the use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. We're still a bunch of speculators looking to make more bucks with crypto than we do with whatever we've been doing so far rather than using it to escape slavery and control.

It's all in our hands and the solution is so simple... All we need is the masses to wake the fuck up. That's it.

Thanks for your attention,


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I would rather build innovative cities instead of smart cities. I see a lot of people around me clueless, and brainless, you can beat them and they wouldn't come up with an idea. These can be seen as ballast for the society, so why not gather those with ideas and willingness to see them come true and build a new type of society and cities...?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I would love to see that.

I am not sure which movie you are talking about but the one that came to my mind is Demolition man.

I doubt that spread of covid was not an accident but planned. The purpose of it was to take control of people's freedom in a way that they don't realize that they are losing it but they would take it as a preventive measure for them. Once, the masses would be desensitised about the whole thing, the task of controlling them would become easy

They Live is the name of the movie. I agree with you in regards of your comment about how the pandemic has been used.

They Live....! Ahaa, I would like to watch it

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Are the governments similarly corrupt everywhere 🤔. Sad

The elites have been dividing us for decades.. decades.. to paraphrase Issac Newton .. a sheeple under control remains under control until acted upon by a outside force..

99% of the people living on this planet are worse than sheep.

That's why they're the 99%.. only 1% are elite.. it's almost the definition of the word. Welcome to the sheeple corral 🐑 🐏 🐑 🐏


I believe there are more people awake than at anytime in the past, The Hive Blockchain is the perfect example of what the future could be. Yet expect Centralized Blockchains in Countries like China weaponizing a tool that we are using for freedom against Centralized control.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Action and awareness is required.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a conspiracy factist :)

The only problem is, I seem to suffer from Cassandra Syndrome. I tell people what's coming, and no-one believes me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

"It's not a pandemic, it is an IQ test". What better way of putting it, right?... I know many will probably disagree with me, but I believe the covid pandemic shall remain in the history of humankind as the greatest lucidity, morals, and verticality test that humanity has ever failed.

After all the things we have seen, I'm very sure we will see worse things that even us conspiracy theorists considered unlikely.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Man, I'm so relieved that Soros, the Rothschilds', and the State of Israel aren't conspiring against us, according to the UN, in their declaration of war against anyone that alleges the world is being controlled by a sinister cabal that has infiltrated the governments of the world and is imposing smart cities, desperate starvation as a result of Kill Gates buying up farmland and pulling it out of production leading to cannibalism being promoted by the New York Slimes, in association with the UN Agenda 2030, like the WEF.

I mean, if that was happening we'd have to act to protect ourselves instead of watching Netflix and castrating our sons with puberty blockers.


Slight of hand sneaky, rich at the top controlling WHO, NATO, AU and whatever others are puppets to the top handful maneuvering world as we know it into something most will not recognize if people don't wake up, fight for their rights!

@tipu curate

Many feeling effect of change happening yet very few speak out against it. Disposable world has been creeping in from small to big commodities, easier lifestyle keeps majority supporting.

"It's not a pandemic, it is an IQ test"

It's actually a trust test, and it is left/right politized.
At this point the left is in charge.
The trust test goes out to the left.
The right labels them morons or whatever.
It will swing back the other way soon enough.

You lean more right than left, so when the situation flips you'll see how crazy it is when it's your people that are suddenly the idiots. That's where I'm at right now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's where I'm at right now.

What do you mean by that?

I mean I personally identify as left leaning.
I've lived most of my life in California.
friends and family? all left.
so then shit like this happens and everyone goes insane.
When trump was in office it was the right that were under the microscope and seen as "morons"
now it's flipped.
it will flip again soon enough

It's not an intelligence test.
it's a trust test, and a test to see if people will accept authoritarianism.
the right side of the political spectrum is not immune to this test.
in fact I'd say they're even worse, but that could be bias.

a test to see if people will accept authoritarianism.

Oh... they will accept it.

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But WEF said there is no elite controlling the world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I missed that one... So relieved now.

I guess I really should get back into black hat mentality if people plan to be this stupid, the situation will become so desperate i might be better off taking everything i can get my hands on and running from all forms of society.

I cant wait until we find out that pedophiles have found out how to track kids in a smart city.......

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Maravilloso, creo que es muy dificil expresar mejor de una manera resumida lo que estan haciendo y lo que esta ocurriendo. Perfecto para compartir a dormidos. Excelente!!


Having said all that, I prefer the countryside!Spot on, @aceontop.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I feel you.

Hey Adrian, glad to see there are others of us here already..I saw through everything from the very beginning. I heard rumblings of a virus spreading in China as early as November 2019 - I did not count on the masses to just roll over and accept a poisonous toxin into their bodies with zero longterm studies on safety, let alone efficacy, presented as evidence as to why people should just blindly accept.

I am no Kool-Aid drinker, and I would hope that the people in the LeoFinance community also take heed:

This was all planned. The Rockefellers have been plotting global virus pandemics for over 51 years. That fact is published in David Rockefeller's book which was printed sometime in the mid-1990s. The CIA has been actively trying to seize control over domestic affairs, especially since the Church Committee exposed them for the criminal murderers that they were - but then it's almost as if people completely forgot who these ABC organizations are.

The riots of 2020 were the excuse the police state needed to crack down on individual liberties, and that was exactly what they did. Approximately 214 million Americans live within the 100-mile Constitution-free Zone that was backed by the US Supreme Court ruling last month. Those people have no rights, and anything the federal government does in that 100-mile zone is defacto legal, since it's martial law.

I saw that coming too, because, DHS couldn't do anything to stop anyone from carrying out an attack on US soil, so they try to seal the border with Canada, and discourage the entrance of immigrants from the South - except the current puppet in the Big White House reversed that policy, and millions of people have come flooding into the country with zero accountability or obligation to obey rules or laws that currently exist.

We have entered the Age of Disinformation, after the Age of Information freed us from the Information Gatekeepers, like Academia, the BBC & globally-controlled MSM, and of course, the governments and militaries of the world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment
 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Me too.