Time-cycles - 24 hours from "today", when the post/comment was created, not based on a timezone. This way everyone in every timezone has an equal shot at the rewards. So, let's say this comment gets a budget of $10 available to reward it. That $10 must be divided up by the number described in 2b.2.3.
Agreed. Maybe we should reword 2b.2 a bit more so that is more clearly defined. Let me know your verbage reword ideas on that one if you could, thank you ura-soul :) If it can't be clearly defined in words, then a Dev could never code the logic properly for it.
Identity - Successful bot detection is imperative. Powering up 10 Hive occasionally, amongst the other bot-detection methods I mentioned, helps with this detection. KYC is a slippery slope.
It's easy to throw money at KYC algos, email verification, sms codes, etc, but if we invest funds in a free and open anti-KYC system, then invest those same funds in a layer-1 bot-detection algorithm instead. No need to pay a human when our own bot can stop all other bots. Plagiarism, double-dips, doxxing and the other things I mentioned though can be stopped by thousands of humans who can DV the person that does those things.
I'm a bit hung up on the 24-hour cycle, too. I'm trying to wrap my brain around it and see the implementation clearly. Is the 24-hour cycle based on UTC? Does it begin ticking the moment a comment or post is created? If it does, then the 24-hour cycle will be perpetual on-chain but based on the creation of each piece of content. Would the UV's at the beginning of the cycle then be worth more than the UV's toward the end of the cycle?
Yeah,like I said these are just ideas and that point definitely needs to be worded better imo. I think, and maybe others can help me to address this one, but I think that the cycle is important, based on the moment the comment or post is created.
As a gardener, I look at what nature does. Everything in life moves in cycles. Not just seasons, but right down to the petals of a flower opening and closing each day.
The "worth" of the vote could be divided up equally amongst the active users of the past 24 hours. That would be the budget allowed for "today". If I should reword 2B a bit more, please guys help e with the verbage on that one so that it is perfectly clear if a Dev were to read it and need to code the logic for it. Please :)
I'll have to give this some thought.