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RE: Damn It, It's Just Not An Informed Decision!

in Deep Dives4 years ago

It is just such a divisive topic... and that seems to be the narrative that most often gets swept under the rug; the whole aspect of creating another "us vs. them" angle for people to worry about. It's the actual duality that causes far more strife than the experimental drugs, themselves. To be honest, I'm less worried about the vaccines (for all I know it's just glorified saline solution!) than about the social effects that turns human against human.

But hey, I pretty much live out in left field, somewhere...


I hear you, this is creating even more division between us, having us fighting against one another, instead of focusing on creating change. It's an age old strategy and so many keep falling for it. I wish I could say I a not worried about the vaccines, because I know that some people i am close with will get it and there are so many side effects already, who knows what the long term effects are.
But yes dividing us, is ultimately the most dangerous xx