As always, what a brillant analysis and complete source of informations, will need to go through that multiple times ^^ !
I came across these two links recently and couldn't help but think of your earth battery experiences, you tell me :D
Have a good weekend in perspective ✌️
Hello there!
Many thanks for you words here.
Was not aware you were in France till moments ago when checking out your blog. I believe some congratulations in order with your new house & land on the way. Looks like you're going to have a lot of fun based on the images of the garden in winter.
I was particularly interested in the cross section image of the permaculture mound. Would very much like to try this with a magnetised electroculture cable in the middle.
Nice find with the bacteria/H2 energy production. I don't see much similarity with the earth battery which is more about the movement of electrons between a cathode and anode, but that's not to say I don't like it! I wonder how achievable it would be to re-create the described experiments at home?
Late hello @samstonehill !
Yeah, the plans for the house are launched, although it will probably not be before summer :) But at this stage we're really patient haha ! Needless to say, your articles on the subject of electroculture have been and continue to be a great inspiration to me, I can't wait to try and put it into practice !
Yes, I realized that it was different, but I thought that as it revolved around the same ideas (and not principles) I said to myself that "ça amène de l'eau au moulin" as we say in French ^^
I hope you and the family are doing well ✌️
Love how the French are so poetic with their words! Puts us English to shame.
Best wishes to you my friend. Don't forget to join the electroculture community when you start posting on the subject yourself ;)
Hahaha, from my French point of you, English can be so poetic too !
I will for sure ;)
Take good care and a great thanks again for sharing your experiments here !!