[ESP/ENG] We toured the municipality, finding their problems and looking for solutions.

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

Recorremos el municipio, encontrando sus problemas y buscando soluciones.

We toured the municipality, finding their problems and looking for solutions.

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Ayer estuvimos recorriendo la ciudad junto al candidato por parte de la alianza democrática uno de los sectores mas abandonados por parte del municipio, conocimos algunas necesidades que aunque ellos las sufran a diario para muchos de nosotros eran desconocidas hasta el día de ayer. Ya que la mayor parte de la población de ese sector vive en una zona montañosa la cual solo se accede por medio de subidas que dejan a mas de uno sin aliento.

Yesterday we were touring the city with the candidate for the democratic alliance in one of the most abandoned sectors of the municipality, we met some needs that although they suffer daily for many of us were unknown until yesterday. Since most of the population of this sector lives in a mountainous area which is only accessible by means of climbs that leave more than one breathless.

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A esta altura, aun no habiamos llegado a la parte central del Guayabal y aun faltaba casi media hora de camino | At this point, we had not yet reached the central part of the Guayabal and there was still almost half an hour to go.

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Este es el punto donde antes corria el agua para llegar a las tuberias, ahora esta seco y abandonado | This is the point where the water used to run to reach the pipes, now it is dry and abandoned.

Desde que comenzamos con el ascenso, no pudimos pasar desapercibido que subían personas con contenedores de agua a las costillas, conforme andábamos veíamos a mas y mas personas haciendo la misma acción y es cuando comenzamos a conversar con las primeras personas que nos enteramos que esta comunidad ya tenia tres meses sin recibir agua potable. En este sector alto llegaba agua por dos vías, en una colectora de aguas blancas se enviaba por medio de una motobomba industrial, la cual un día se averió y el actual gobernante municipal no ha solucionado esa problemática y desde la zona mas alta había una naciente de agua potable que descendía hasta las tuberías que enviaban el liquido vital a los hogares de las personas, pero, hace un mes hubo un deslizamiento de rocas que obstruyo el paso del agua y rápidamente lo que quedo se seco o se gasto en los hogares.

Since we started with the ascent, we could not go unnoticed that people were going up with water containers to the ribs, as we walked we saw more and more people doing the same action and it is when we began to talk with the first people that we learned that this community already had three months without receiving drinking water. In this high sector water came in two ways, in a collector of white water was sent by means of an industrial motor pump, which one day broke down and the current municipal government has not solved that problem and from the highest area there was a source of drinking water that descended to the pipes that sent the vital liquid to the homes of the people, but a month ago there was a rock slide that blocked the passage of water and quickly what was left dried up or was spent in homes.

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Hablando con las personas de la localidad se supo que ambos problemas tienen solución, pero cuyo coste es difícil de cubrir por parte de los habitantes que viven es del día a día como vendedores ambulantes, obreros y otros oficios que no dejan mucho dinero al final del día en estos tiempos. Pero, hay un equipo de mantenimiento privado, que puede ayudarnos a liberar el paso de agua obstruido y crear un pequeño muro de protección para este y que no se repita lo que causo este mal; ahora el problema tiene solución y la solución cuesta 500 dólares (#USD). Desde hoy @kathy03 mi persona y otros solidarizarnos con esta comunidad para lograr solucionar este problema, si deseas apoyar este proyecto puedes comunicarte directamente con cualquiera de nosotros ya sea por aquí o la via que les sea mas fácil, espero esto llegue a personas que puedan ayudarnos a volver este sueño para los habitantes de la localidad posible.

Talking to the local people it was learned that both problems have a solution, but the cost is difficult to cover by the inhabitants who live from day to day as street vendors, laborers and other trades that do not leave much money at the end of the day in these times. But, there is a private maintenance team, which can help us to release the clogged water passage and create a small wall of protection for this and not to repeat what caused this evil; now the problem has a solution and the solution costs $ 500 (#USD). As of today @kathy03 my person and others are in solidarity with this community to solve this problem, if you want to support this project you can communicate directly with any of us either by here or the way that is easier for them, I hope this reaches people who can help us to return this dream for the inhabitants of the town possible.

My Twitter: Thenomad017

My Telegram: Anthonyjad


Water is so important.
Everyone who is walking for water maybe wants to pitch in an item like a seed or plant or something they can find and sell things at a fundraiser for compassion;
or build wishing wells that have a sign "wishing" for the ability to fix the specific problem for people who pass by to throw in spare coins.
maybe the youth know an invention that is effective.

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