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RE: Happy new year prayer for peace. Day 311....105,960 kia

in Deep Dives2 years ago

I don't know what you think about yourself, but everything you wrote here is an absolute lie. If you want to make an up-to-date picture of what is happening, try to learn Russian and read the information from the other side. War is bad, but lying is even worse. And by the way, the Soviet Empire has not existed for 30 years.


It's going to lose this conflict. I noticed the flag. Sure downvote because of your bias.

Facts are facts.

105,960 killed. And now illegal detention and other war crimes?

I bet you sure are going to feel dumb later on in the future when I remember this and Russia has lost.

I have a feeling that history is going to remember the Soviet federation under the same light as Nazi Germany.

That is until you're done paying for this conflict.

Don't forget anyone who is not joining the mobilization Force and lives abroad is a traitor to the Russian federation.