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RE: Deep Self Healing - The #1 Priority For Humans That Most People Ignore Constantly.

in Deep Dives • 2 years ago

perfect-post! 💥

i believe we are our own most perfect doctor…
to which most of wo/manKIND never/rarely consult.

and, we require cleansing of the hue/stain of the human-condition (we have been conditioned/programmed/indoctrinated, by THE beast SYSTEM, to beLIEve) in order to regain our wo/manKINDness dwelling within. 🤲


Thanks for your kind words and thoughts. Yes, we are our own best doctor in our own 'ward'.
The programming that harms us the most is so pervasive that it is easy to never even admit to or notice. Often it is the belief in self perfection and what amounts to egotism that leads us to hold on to many lies, thinking that we couldn't possibly be wrong because we are so clever.. haha. Humble willingness to relinquish all falsehoods is a requirement for balance. Integration is necessary, including integration and acceptance of our own ego.

May compassion increase! :)

...and, so it shall be! (: increased compassion :)