It's all theatre...
TSA fails most tests conducted by Homeland Security.
I take a different view than yourself... I don't believe it's lazy tyranny as much as the Government trying to show that it's providing its citizens with security. The really frustrating thing is that I would put money on the fact that if you surveyed all travelers 99% do not feel safer and would rather not take their shoes off and take their stuff out of their bags.
It makes me so mad every time I had to do it... I honestly feel less safe, having my possessions out of my eyesight... especially these days when there is so much information on our devices.
Personally I'm happy that TSA isn't touching your stuff (sorry that it was so ridiculously awkward for you, that truly sucks) but I don't want these people touching anything of mine... not even my smelly airport shoes.
P.S) Southpark has given us SO MUCH.