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RE: One of the few facts of the presence of Nazism in Ukraine

in Deep Dives3 years ago

It is a pity that these photoshopped fighters did not read them before they fought against their people in the Donbass and Luhansk.
And yes, I agree that there are about 2% of Nazis here, but there are much more of those who, under the influence of propaganda, are ready to commit racially motivated murders without realizing that their deeds fall under the definition of Nazism ...
Every year on January 1, a parade is held in Kyiv in honor of the memory of Bandera. I don't think you need to explain who he is and how he became famous...
In a non-Nazi state, this simply could not have happened ...
Try to arrange an annual torchlight procession in your city with Nazi salutes and portraits of mass murderers and you will immediately understand the difference))Wise words @cronos0!

If the Nazis seized power in the country, then a whole freedom-loving people will not be able to change anything, because the army and the police are forced to protect these 2%

There is very little RC on my account, therefore I apologize for the long answer, and for the fact that with this comment I will answer two participants in the conversation at once

Yes @yourmarklubbers, I also have some picture. And it seems to me that it is not normal to flaunt such beliefs ...

I can imagine how many Nazis do not mark themselves with characteristic marks and how many other terrible things have not been photographed.

I am indifferent to Putin, I do not know anything about him except propaganda, but I have a warm attitude towards the Russian people because I am a Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizen. My grandfathers fought side by side with the Red Army against the fascist bastards and defeated them then in 1945. I will not betray the memory and values my ancestors and I oppose such a policy of my country!


"Try to arrange an annual torchlight procession in your city with Nazi salutes and portraits of mass murderers and you will immediately understand the difference"

Here in the Netherlands one nazi salute and you will be arrested asap. Im not saying the denazification thing makes sense do.. idk how true that is.