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RE: Day 320 Russia mobilizes Belarus

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Biggest problems that the city that is under siege now is facing happens to be water followed closely by electricity supply disruptions and heating.

Only 10,000 remain in Bakhmut living in basements and underground shelters however this is only 10% of the original population is left as so many more have wisely decided to leave the area seeking shelter elsewhere.

Mass of the Mount of volunteers are needed two support that population that is left.

Belarusia is trying to lock up a journalist for challenging the narrative over there. Belarus really doesn't like her reporting so she's facing 12 years in jail. Belarus needs to eliminate any opposition to its narrative to survive however this is going to lead to some massive blowback. Of course it sounds like a bunch of really crazy churches however the tax evasion part is pretty funny as apparently this reporter is a really large deal over there.

Lithuania is going to start turning away Russian immigrants trying to escape country. In an incredible move legislation is coming out preventing people from leaving Russia as of course I'm seeing some major issues with the mobilization and the fact that massive amounts of Russians are leaving the country. A lot of those immigrants might not be who they say they are and need the proper vetting process before being allowed out of the country.

Russophobic nonsense and not batting an eye at the fact that the entire destruction is the fault of the ones who hide behind civilians using them as shields to defend against the Attacking Russians. Bravo! Racist War Criminal Cheerleader!