Really not much going on across the front line other than the fact that we see Ukrainian forces breaking through on the south side of the front line and it does look like the stage is right for the fall of the entire Crimean peninsula. Or even starting to see the Russian forces admitting that this bridgehead is absolutely open for business.
Reports of up to 300 Ukrainian service personnel having pushed into this area of operations is sounding like there is going to be a huge issue for the Russian forces here in a minute especially when they are having so much problems repelling even this limited number of Ukrainian fighters.
We see Western electronic warfare countermeasures being applied here in this area as well as a huge amount of additional forces. Like the fact that Ukrainian drone over flights absolutely are providing a massive amount of cover as well as completely wrecking any Russian plans of coordinating a defense.
A lot of rumors are going around with Russian forces at times even claiming tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are pouring over this bridgehead. As well as possibly a massive amount of heavy equipment. Russian forces are really starting to get afraid because this just might cut off the entire Southern approach for the Russian front line and there is a huge bottleneck with Crimean peninsula that is threatening to endanger this entire situation in some extremely phenomenal ways. Russian forces really don't want to admit how badly this strategic situation really looks. However anyone with half a brain can absolutely see how bad this situation is and that it's only a matter of time until we watch the collapse of the Russian federation forces in this area.
Then on top of it claims of all of the Ukrainian equipment coming over. And a lot of this amphibious equipment coming over just might end up being too much for the Russian forces to handle especially since we see the Ukrainian military coming with a massive amount of backup and logistical supply behind them.
Crimean drone waves.
Russians report 17 suicide drones. And that is kind of weird because is that drones that Russia destroyed or is that drones total or what's going on. It's just going to be pretty wild as we continue to watch this entire situation unfold. However the most known thing is the fact that Russian forces are continually taking massive pounding.
Ukrainian iskander strike.
Russian forces are claiming 50 dead however everybody is laughing at that claim. We will see what the real numbers are however it is confirmed that Ukrainian forces did take a strike as one of their units had a medal ceremony. Ukrainian forces are going to be exacting a massive amount of vengeance over this latest strike. And with the massive amount of steps needed it looks like there has been pretty knowledge of this entire situation which would point to spies and to make this a bigger situation for Ukrainian intelligence to act on.