Russian war crimes past and present.
This is a really dangerous path to go down because during world war II it was war and there was massive amount of war crimes however only one side actually got charged with anything. There's no way you could have charged the Russian side and there is big huge issues with labeling heroes of the Soviet Union as having committed some really crazy acts. And then on top of it you've also got the rest of the world coalition forces scared that they will end up getting charges as well... Yeah.... About that... Rough! Next thing you know you have the heroes of world war II being exposed as war criminals.
The entire shift into legal warfare is something that I think the human race is going to have to figure out.
Lolololololololololololololol! Legal Warfare, like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Afghanistan.. and war crimes as you cheer on the Ukranazi who use children as human shields.