The kremlin's jester redraws European borders..
Apparently Russia thinks that pollen Romania and the Baltic states want to rejoin Russia. Apparently somehow Russia thinks that it is more culture than Europe when 20% of Russia happens to live without indoor plumbing... The recycling of the entire idea the Soviet Union is going to rise again like the fourth Reich of Nazi Germany. He's going to end up becoming a huge issue. Self-delusion never works out well.
The entire idea that Russia is going to be able to rally support from some part of the international community is starting to become another huge delusion we see with the Russian State media. We don't see anybody rushing to the aid of the Russian troops.
More lies and copium spin. One person isn't "Russia" you despicable racist, as for the lack of international support and self-delusion, nothing quite as ironic as the fact Russia has more support than Ukraine and the majority of the world is on Russia's side, not just population, land mass but by gdp also, and 'we don't see anybody rushing to the aid of Russian troops" is another bold faced lie, not only have numerous Armies and Fighting Forces declared that they support Russia, but several have sent soldiers in, and many more have begged the Russians to join, and nobody blames you for lying because the delusions you need to cope with reality are not letting you look at what you claim "we" don't see but it's still a bold faced lie you moron.