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RE: Day 414. 180,590 Kia. The snitch gets busted. 180,000 dead...

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Apparently also Russia ends up spilling the beans with its own Russian spies providing enough information to completely expose the Chinese involvement and possibility for Chinese military aid. Just like usual it is absolutely total insanity with the Chinese Communist party. However China absolutely will support anybody that provides them enough money to be able to survive. And of course because the Russian military can't keep any secrets this has now totally and completely been outed. So let's see what all happens and it's just a matter of time until we really start uncovering what's going on in this conflict. However with this information coming out it really screwed up the deal especially with China not being able to keep a lot of it secret. Making 100% of the western military and technological aid to Ukraine actually be allowed. Sure is quite a lot of news coming out about this entire situation.

Lolololol! The spies were actually the information from the Pentagon leaks, lolololololol! Apparently you suck on lies after lies. The ones who "can't" keep any secrets, lolololol, the Russian Military. Lolololololololololololololol!