yes and yes
for many things when it gets past a certain depth this is perhaps not the place and now that at least from my info Gates/Microsoft isn't acquiring Discord it seems to now be rumored to be Sony....either way there are really no safe spaces on the grid no matter what crap is being spewed
and this year is really just getting warmed up
May-late summer much wow
We got an 11-year warning for this new incoming 911. I think that Shooter Jennings revelated the method in his music video entitled Summer of Rage. Not that he could come right out and say these things directly, he did end the video hoodwinked and all. Did you see Altiyan Childs' insider exposé on Freemasonry from his Christian perspective? If you have not yet, I'd encourage watching this and this first. Something's gotta give before their plan plays out. The good people in all countries must try and set a national precedent (or blueprint) before the entire world falls to their new system of absolute power and control. Peep the release date on the Bananarama video.
There is a fine line between anxiety and excitement. I'm feeling all the feels, and it seems like my life is flashing before my eyes. A foreboding and prolonged terminal lucidity, if you will. Only the gods know if the COVAIDS is slowly culling the lot of us. Feels like I'm either going crazy or becoming a mad genius. Or perhaps they spiked the air with nanobots and are wiring us to the cloud network as we speak. I know one thing, I'm not taking that fucking vaccine, and someone will get hurt if they try to force me. I absolutely cannot be gaslit after seeing this, this, and this..
Sorry, this was quite the shitstorm of a comment, I know. I'll leave ya with Shooter's lyrics. I don't know if he expected to survive that album's release or if he just knew they are paving the way for a post-human future. I know you're a smart gal, otherwise I wouldn't have link spammed the ever loving hell outta ya.