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RE: 6 June 2022 - "Gun free zone" sign

in Deep Dives3 years ago

You can't fully stop them but if you did the following three things you are likely to see marked improvement.

  1. Do away with gun free zones. Near-suicidal maniacal types will no longer believe they can go to certain places and find themselves a bunch of defenseless victims. This bloody lottery they will find themselves playing anyhere they go may deter some. And if one goes off, hopefully he will encounter a proverbial "good guy with a gun".

  2. Address the issue of excessive SSRI use.

  3. Work on addressing the lack of male roles models in the lives on many boys.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

In Massachusetts you absolutely need a license to legally carry a gun. But even with a license you are breaking the law if you come on school grounds with your gun (if, say, you need to go there to pick up your kid from school).