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RE: 'Safetyism' and Political Correctness on the Loose


This is what i would like, however, it would require half of the faculty to be fired.
When i was in college, decades ago, i knew more than many professors who were teaching the classes that i had to take. (i just didn't know their jargon)

So, how do these "professors" get to teach in a university? They are obviously not qualified.

Further, i would love to, just once, be able to hold a class, or a seminar and charge the rates per seat that universities do today. In fact, most universities charge more for a class than a person tutor for the same time and information.

It is really interesting how cognitive dissonance, instead of being taken apart, analyzed and worked through is now coddled, encouraged and trained into students. Thus creating snow flakes.


Yeah there are some knowledgeable and some less so knowledgeable people. It sucks when you get people that are warped by ideology. Someone studying in 'gender studies' isn't going to gain much valuable knowledge...