Its even worse than that.
2 + 2 =5 is nothing. In our current math system 1 = -1
All the basis of our scientific understanding is wrong.
Including the scientific method.
And even our understanding of govern-cement.
Your taxes pay for the government
This is a blatant lie. The taxes we pay all go to the Fed where they are thrown in a furnace.
"We the People" includes you and me...
Accept, in english you learned that capitalized words are different. "People" is a proper noun.
people ≠ People.
You don't have any rights, and your wealth is scammed off of you without your even knowing it, let alone there being any representation.
1 = -1? How do they figure that out?
Just one of the things that breaks our current math.
Something like (1+3+5...) - (0+2+4...) and so you play with this apply infinity, and you can make an equation where 1 = -1