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RE: My Duty As A Parent

in Deep Dives2 years ago

YeAh! Thank you for speaking this out, dear @trucklife-family ...

I have had a life-long healing path removing myself from the negative effects of ignorant parenting, and finding my way back to full health, Nature, Gaia Sophia and co-creative expansiveness. Vaccines were NEVER intended to improve our immunity; they were invented to separate us from spirit and from our actual Nature (which is vibrant, free and well): the modern programmes of jibjabbery for babies is the most consistent, brutal murder of our Nature and indoctrination of our family systems into a machinery that feeds off of us. The alternative is always there though, waiting for us to perk up and notice: it is Free, Available everywhere and requires no effort to receive it.

This is a profoundly beautiful time indeed, for us to be waking up to the fact that pharma medicine was NEVER EVER about health. Any 'medicine' that depends on altering our Inalienable Capacity to heal our self, by default cannot be healing us.

I adore seeing how we're all figuring this out - what we've always had an instinct about, and now is being proved by actual science! My increasingly solid rootedness in Gaia Sophia has led me to say NO to literally everything that pretends to be 'safe', 'natural', 'free', 'of benefit', 'obligatory', 'legal' and so on and so on. I Live my days chopping wood and carrying water, receiving Gift and giving of all that I harvest.

I hope very much to be blessed to bring children into this lifetime, and will most assuredly be supporting them outwith any of the systems and toxicity of that which is considered the 'norm'. It is very inspiring and exciting to me, to know how there are so many of us bringing children into the world who can actually Feel, See, Think and Move without all the disabling nonsense that mainstream would have been drilling into them from day one...

We are world-changers for sure.

Motherhood is simply the most powerful force of change available to humanity.


Yes it is great to see more and more people awake to their potential, their bodies potential and break away from the system and empower themselves. All the more reason to speak out and share our stories. Much love xxxx