In case you missed it/Overlooked it/Dismissed it (Ffs) ill post the link again as well as a list of topics discussed by these well studied MEN (Emphasis on the word men as they can debate with reason & logic but more importantly mutual respect)
let me just add that this most definitely is worth your time as it connects dots for me asim sure it will for you.......
(Watch the netflix anime " Blue Eye Samurai" after this and see the pattern.... hahaa ;)
Aliens,religion,genetics,nature of man,race (Im white btw so dant take it personally whe he says we a hybrid hes probably right) masonic ritual,sacrifice,star children,Palrestine,culture,epstein,Egypt, vaccines, chemtrails, nwo,illuminati, Jesus, cultism, secret societys and SO SO SOOOO MUCH MORE.......