The analogy with the war time is brilliant. Yes, there were times in history much worse than this, and yet people still gave each other a hug.
I also see this as a big experiment. With people. It is quite sad that the players of the game are so imbued with fear they no longer realise it is a game. They take it as a new norm for life. I associate this with the hamsters who keep running on the same wheel, not noticing it is always the same. Quite sad to see such behaviour from superior creatures like people. This shows how much the brain can be set back by the primitive impulses of fear.
It is easy to gain control when one no longer master their own mind.
Not sure it's a game, but it sure seems gamed ;) Consciousness driven by fear does keep us driving in a certain preselected pathway that can be manipulated for desired outcomes. And that's where we find ourselves.
The tiny reptilian part of our brain turns some of us into obeying sheeps. Fascinating to study and observe, sad to watch it in action