I like the comparison with an infection although it sounds harsh it's true. As truthful as an infection can be, speaking of the truth.
The thing is that life is filled with uncertainty and the only certain thing is change. Actually if one would comprehend the amount of gaps humanity really has, they would give in in front of the enormous amount of the unknown. We know too little and much from what we know is the creation our mind, propagated by other minds. This need for answers, security, certainty, is a gold mine for those who want to use information to manipulate people, realities, outcomes. The lie can travel for centuries while the truth can barely tie its shoelaces.
I think it would be wise to have your mind attached to all and to nothing. Remaining curious throughout one's life. Because curious people always wonder, while needy, ignorant or fearful people embrace anything as long as it covers the holes and fulfills the needs. Have a great week!
It's a mix of certain things and change, but more change than not. The gaps are more about the known gaps. We don't know the huge abyss of what we don't know. It's not part of a hole in comprehension. The ones that matter are the ones we know are there ;) Truth is always truth but the lie can propagate for millennia and who knows when the truth will triumph if ever. Truth needs voices to get it out to more consciousnesses ;)
Oh yes. The power of an authentic voice. That is trully something that can move mountains