In this episode of Rise Like Lions, Kevin and Dave explore the high price many Canadians pay for speaking out in support of Palestinian human rights. After a brief history of the conflict, Kevin discusses the ways in which pro-Israel forces use accusations of anti-Semitism to stifle debate. Finally, we look at ways in which people are pushing back against this intimidation and censorship.
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) Article on the Human Rights Watch and B'Tselem reports about Israeli crimes against Palestinians
Human Rights Watch Report: A Threshold Crossed
CBC Article on the scandal involving Dr. Azarova and the University of Toronto (UofT) International Human Rights Program
CJPME Article on Desmond Cole and the Toronto District School Board (TDSB)
Desmond Cole blog post on his presentation on anti-Palestinian racism in the TDSB
Article on Mainstream Media's refusal to cover the Green Party Split over Palestinian Human Rights
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