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RE: The use of Janssen (Johnson and Johnson) COVID-19 vaccine is all but stopped by FDA order

in Deep Dives3 years ago

I have read a news about it, maybe i Will make a detailed post later if i can

Also it has been discovered real efficiency of vaccines Is not 95% but 17%


I am not sure how that percentage-wise efficiency was calculated.

But what impressed me was how fast this efficiency fades with time, becoming practically non-existent within 6 months.

Yeah, barely 6 weeks, ridicolous

It is very interesting in that prior to this so-called pandemic vaccines that did not have a lasting effect typically were shunned.

I guess the answer was said by moderna or pfizer (i dont remeber which of the two) CEO, W
who said something like 'we invested lot of money in those vaccines, we expect something back', that sounded like a threat to me

Yeah, 'bout time these fascists learned their place.

I made an article about it, you might be interested

But on the papers i am reading so much crap, even on pregnant women...i will write more articles, its absourd the mainstream media don't talk about that