32% of Americans and Canadians polled are in agreement with the Freedom Convoy's demand to end all mandates! Just as fascinating: 44% of vaccinated people are sympathetic to the concerns of the truckers. From its humble beginning 2 weeks ago, to being called a "tiny racist fringe minority of transphobic extremists" last week, and now finding widespread support across North America! Convoys in solidarity with Canada, and also protesting mandates in their home countries, are forming up in New Zealand, across Europe, and around the world. The tide has shifted toward freedom, and momentum is building fast!

The National Post writes "as the Omicron wave subsides, most Canadians now live in a province whose health authorities are actively questioning the utility of vaccine passports and other pandemic measures."
While that is not yet true for me here in BC, and definitely also not in Quebec, some provinces really are ending their Covid measures. Today, Alberta announced almost all measures will be dropped within weeks, including masks and passports. And yesterday, neighboring Saskatchewan decided to quickly end essentially all measures. It's not immediate, it's not complete, and it's not permanent. But it's a big step in the right direction.
I even hear some language from premiers admitting the measures have done harm, caused hardships, damaged the economy, and so on. While they aren't talking about the suicides and other tragic loss they've caused, at least there's a general admission of wrongdoing. That's new.
Over in Ontario...
The main convoy protest continues, occupying downtown Ottawa. Trudeau and his corporate media continue to use any tactics available to slander the truckers and their supporters, in the hopes of reducing support. But the new crowdfunding campaign is already over 7 million, and public support just continues to shoot upward. It's incredible that a third of North Americans are already on board with this rebellion against tyranny!

The PM is even threatening to bring in the military to crush the peaceful protest! Talk about being unable to appropriately handle conflict, wow. Is this China? (Wait, don't answer that...) What an embarrassing display of ineptitude from our supposed leader. All he can do is throw insults, generate propaganda, and threaten.
Click here to see the REAL supporters of Canada's Freedom Convoy the media won't show! Here is the embedded 3Speak video:
Another great video showing the true nature of this movement is here, as Trudeau calls for division and hatred of Freedom Convoy but Canadians unite:
And the best for last... I wasn't able to upload it to 3Speak because they were down, and YouTube would have banned me for it, so please go to Odysee and watch my inspiring video on the local rally, Saturday January 29th (the day Freedom Convoy arrived in Ottawa). Several hundred Canadians cheering, marching, and singing the national anthem! We are united like never before.

After a year of being told they were effective, we now know the injections don't prevent Covid, and don't even keep people out of hospital, so mandating them (including the use of "passports") is beyond pointless.

Besides, acceptance of the so-called vaccines is dropping rapidly! Less than half of Canadians have taken the third injection, according to today's data, and less than half of the 5-11 age group is injected. With half of society not fully vaccinated, and many who are only having done so because they didn't want to lose their job, there's VERY little support for the ridiculous passport system.
We also know from this major study that Covid lockdowns, closures, restrictions, limitations, and masks DO NOT SAVE LIVES!

Now here's up-to-date data on cases and deaths in Canada over the past 2 years:

Please note that we are now well past the peak of omicron. Numbers show hospitalizations WITH Covid (a useless number) are dropping, giving the government very little left to frighten us with.
Covid is no longer a threat (if it ever was), the "vaccines" don't work, and half the population isn't even compliant in the first place. Trudeau and the globalists aren't happy with the way this is going... they REALLY wanted that Beast System in place by now!
Don't get me started. I love freedom even more than science, which is saying something. I could write for days on this topic - and I have. But right now I want to mention two aspects of freedom that I don't think the pro-mandate crowd is aware of.
You can't get safety by giving up freedom. That's what people are trying to do here, and it never works. Ever. Every time you give up some freedom to get safety, you lose both. History is loaded with examples. This ends when we say "NO!" We can't comply our way out of tyranny.
Nothing is more important than freedom. If you lose your freedom, everything else can be taken from you. Even your health is less important than your freedom. "Give me Liberty, or give me death." It is the most important thing we've got, and we must treat it that way. Never allow your freedom to be taken, because once lost, is it very hard to get back.
We are currently losing the freedom our ancestors worked and fought and sacrificed for. The media talks about it (and encourages statist drones to parrot them) as though freedom is dangerous, backwards, foolish, pointless, and associated with limited intelligence. The thing that is most vital to us all is forgotten, or spat on. We have gone from nations who sang the national anthem before school, to teaching our students to hate their country, freedom, culture, and history. Freedom has become associated with a certain branch of mainstream politics, when in reality it has no political affiliation at all.
I think what we need in Canada, the USA, and other countries affected by the Covid scamdemic, is to stop giving up freedom to try and get safety. End all mandates and restrictions immediately. This will send the convoys home, get our economies running again after 2 years, revitalize morale, and safeguard our precious freedom.
Until then...
As I mentioned in my last post, until the mandates end, the protests will continue. In fact, an entire new strategy is starting up. You've seen it in Coutts, Alberta over the past week, as rigs and farm vehicles blockaded the border crossing. Yesterday, the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit USA and Ontario Canada was blockaded by a convoy of anti-mandate protesters. That's the most important economic border crossing between the two countries, and will lead to significant disruptions. Contacts of mine in the local freedom community are organizing a convoy, headed for Osoyoos, a crossing between BC and WA state.

The media isn't making a big deal of it yet - probably to keep support for it as low as possible - but it appears a full blockade of the longest land border in the world is beginning! They can't even handle what's happening in Ottawa, let alone the other 2 blockades, and all the convoys getting loaded up right now. We can win this.
All the truckers have to do is continue to peacefully use their numbers (and big trucks!) to shut things down and put pressure on the lawmakers. As they've said from the start, there is a simple solution for all of this! Just do the right thing, and end the mandates. Restore freedom in Canada, as they did recently in Ireland, Finland, the UK, and Denmark. A large and increasing portion of us are in complete agreement.
NOW is the time to end all mandates!
If there was any debate before, there isn't anymore. There are no reasons to continue mandating lockdowns, vaccines, masks, etc.
(1/1) gave you LUV.
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Hope at last. Lets keep it going and expanding..😉
5-5 The message is coming in loud and clear: end all mandates! It's that simple! !LUV
(1/1) gave you LUV.
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Join LUV's 1st birthday celebration!@girlsofgreen
2 in 3 are still hopeless, useless cuks lol
Truck Fudeau!
(1/1) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><@greatesteem
It's high time people opinions are been heard
Power to the peephol 😋💪