British Columbia, a formerly free and open society, is now one of the most backwards places on the planet. BC is the Westernmost Canadian province, usually very removed from the federal politics in Ontario, 4000 km to the East. Typically, we have been the most free of all the provinces, but since the plandemic hit, our Covid figurehead doctor Bonnie Henry has terrorized the land with her restrictions, mandates, and sweeping societal changes. We have lived under a state of emergency and/or lockdown for two full years now. Despite Covid going endemic several weeks ago, and the rest of the country (and most of the world) dropping all restrictions, we here in BC are doubling down on our failed strategy and INCREASING the use of "vaccine passports"! We're sending help to Ukraine, but to be honest, we need some help right here in BC!
At my local freedom rally (anti-mandate protest) this Saturday, massive support for Freedom Convoy continued. Canada has had it up to here with mandates, and most provinces (even Ontario) are dropping them rapidly. There's even talk of undoing the border mandates that caused the entire convoy in the first place. The truckers accomplished many of their goals, despite the violent treatment they received under marital law.
As the Saturday rally wrapped up, I was introduced to a trucker who had just returned from Ottawa, Ontario. He had been one of the 500 or so trucks that parked in front of Parliament and refused to move. He was one of the last to be cleared. He, his wife, and his teenaged son had just made the drive back to BC, and had decided to come to our rally. They had "Freedom Convoy 2022" black hoodies which I saw on truckers on live feeds at the event. I thanked him for being there and representing BC. He seemed disappointed and upset at how violently the peaceful protest had been dealt with. I asked him if he would be getting involved with the regional events and he said he wasn't sure what was next for him and his truck.
I said 6 months ago: "It looks like what Australia went through in the past 6 months was just a test for what is about to happen in Canada." Sadly, I was right. But while the rest of Canada is removing most (or even ALL) Covid restrictions and mandates, here in B.C. we are adding even more!
I wrote a month ago: "With Omicron making it clear the 'vaccines' don't work, and the passports supposedly expiring, this was the perfect natural time for the whole thing to just go away. They could have claimed it worked, and did what it was built to do, and cut their losses. Instead, health officials are doubling down on their mistake in a very clear and public way... and the people of Canada are NOT happy about it. They're waking up in droves right now."
But they didn't let it go, and Canada erupted in support for Freedom Convoy's push to end all Covid mandates.
The result? Provinces like BC's neighbors Alberta and Saskatchewan totally abolished all Covid nonsense. Mandates, restrictions, passports, segregation, limitations, closures, it's all gone. Can it come back? Sure. But for now, it's gone. Like really gone. We here in nextdoor BC are feeling rather ridiculous. Betrayed. Covid's gone, but Bonnie Henry can only say "what we are doing is working so let's continue". No, let's not. Our economy is permanently damaged and getting worse every day. Our families are divided. Cancer is through the roof. Suicides are through the roof. Children are traumatized. This is not working.
Continue? This should have ended months ago, or better yet, never happened! Dozens of major studies have now proved lockdowns and other restrictions did not prevent serious illness. They didn't work. They just caused harm, no benefit. They harmed a LOT of people, and continue to do so. It must end, NOW!
Now Bonnie Henry says we need to wait a couple more weeks before even considering relaxing any of the Covid measures. In fact, the passports are being expanded to include ALL medical professionals, like chiropractors and dentists. Complete insanity! And they claim to "follow the science"?
Here's the public's reaction to the announcement that Covid nonsense isn't going away:
6 out of 7 people think restrictions should have ALREADY been lifted!
The government is not following "The Science(TM)", and they're not following the will of the people. What we have here in BC is tyranny.
Get ready for the next variant and lockdown, coming in September, according to Bonnie Henry. They already know what's going to happen, and what their response is going to be. This whole thing has been planned in advance, but only recently have they stopped hiding that they know what's next.
2 more weeks? That's what they said 3 weeks ago, and 3 weeks before that. When mid-March comes around, that's what they're going to say yet again: "Just 2 more weeks to flatten the curve! What we are doing is working so we can't stop now." It's insanity.
How it feels
I've been documenting the whole thing here on this blockchain. In short, this has been hell.
Going way back, I actually predicted most of what's going on now, as much as 15 years ago. I've been talking about the new world order (aka great reset), and the technocratic globalist takeover, and states of emergency being used to bring about major societal changes, and economic collapse, and the growing police state, and the evil of big pharma, and censorship, and propaganda, and most of the other big issues that have now risen to the forefront. I didn't know that a (manufactured) coronavirus is what would bring about all these things, but let's just say I wasn't very surprised.
Not surprised, but still pretty traumatized. Being wide awake (fully conscious, not caught in the psyop, etc) is painful. Many of you know what I mean. We know what's going on, we understand it from many angles, we have knowledge of how things work behind the scenes. We grasp the magnitude of the harm being done. We know the elites are playing for all the marbles this time, and they're going to go to any length to succeed. We know they want us all completely controlled from conception to death (literally like in The Matrix), or exterminated. We know nothing can go back to the way it was, and we also know it's up to us to change things so this world is worth living in.
As for my own personal situation, I've suffered from PTSD for 6 years, and can't afford proper treatment, so I've just been doing the best I can. On top of that, I have an undiagnosed neurological condition that causes chronic nerve and joint pain, unwanted muscle movements, vision loss, insomnia, fatigue, and more. Something like MS. After years of trying to get proper diagnosis, and just treating the debilitating symptoms the best I can with lifestyle changes, Covid struck and my ability to see doctors went to nearly zero. At this point, I'm not welcome in the healthcare system I served as a nurse for 10 years. I essentially have no medical care. I'm still paying taxes, but I have no healthcare.
My wife @MediKatie, who is a childhood spinal cancer survivor, miraculously conceived after us being together for 10 years. Our son is now 2 and a half. He has lived his entire life in lockdown. His grandparents refuse to see him, and will no longer even speak to me over my Covid views. They think we should be injected, like they are. Currently they are in Mexico. Or is it Palm Springs? Anyway, they're not around. My wife and I moved here, their little town, from the big city (Vancouver), and have only seen them once in 3 years. Covid isn't entirely to blame for that (the problems started years ago), but it sure hasn't helped.
Our daughter was born 2 weeks ago, at the height of Freedom Convoy here in Canada, and also at the height of martial law. The hospital experience was unpleaseant. I was required to show my "vaccine passport" just to accompany my wife who was giving birth! Of course, I'm 100% unvaccinated. Luckily, there's an exception and I was able to get in by answering a series of medical questions, sanitizing my hands with their solvent, and wearing a medical mask over my face. I was not pleased, but I did it so I could be there for my wife and newborn.
The rest of the experience sucked. We got treated poorly because we aren't vaccinated. Staff assumed very negative things about us, including that we "might not be reliable parents". We had given the staff absolutely no reason to insinuate such a thing. It was hard not to react, and get upset, but perhaps that's what she wanted. We calmly explained she has no reason to expect that we won't be excellent parents, that we had a happy and healthy toddler, and that this was my fourth child. (I won't give details here, but this staff member actually continued her crusade against us after discharge from hospital. All because we aren't vaccinated and she had a personal grudge against us.)
Another nurse saw me using a phone (which I had been given permission to do), and said to me "oh no, you're not vaccinated, now we'll have to get that phone specially cleaned!" and called Housekeeping to come sterilize it. I was calling my brother to announce my daughter's birth, since Katie and I don't own cellular phones. I felt pretty gross being treated like a second-class citizen. Like my medical choices were being broadcast to everyone, for no reason. I wasn't infected with Covid, but I was being treated that way. I was symptom-free, a registered guest, maintaining social distance, disinfecting my hands, and more. But I wasn't vaccinated, and I was treated like shit because of it.
They even strapped a mask over my wife's unconscious mouth and nose while she was recovering from the surgery and general anesthetic! They rolled her to me in the recovery room, to meet her new baby, with a stupid blue diaper over her face. Even though all the staff is masked and vaccinated. And even though they tested my wife and she was negative. And even though my wife HAS A MASK EXEMPTION! She ripped it off as soon as she regained consciousness, but still, that was absolutely heinous. I can't believe someone did that to her. It's so obviously not about health AT ALL.
One staff member kept prodding at us during recovery, insinuating that we were paranoid, or fearful. Finally, I said to her, "you call us fearful, but you're the ones wearing masks. We've never worn them, never will, never had a problem. You're the ones acting paranoid." I don't think she liked that.
It's true, though, isn't it? Who's crazy? The triple-jabbed nutters in gloves and masks and face-shields and gowns and booties! I've never touched a mask in 2 years and I'm fine. Sure, I've got my long-term health problems, but Covid hasn't done shit to me. Same with Katie. Same with our toddler, he's around hundreds of unvaccined and unmasked people EVERY Saturday. The local rallies have provided us with a means to socialize him, a surrogate family of freedom-minded people. He has friends of all ages, he gets hugs, he gets kisses, he gets snacks, he gets drinks. I'm an extremely protective Dad, don't get me wrong. Anyone who knows me knows I don't take chances with my children. And I'm not. He's not at risk from Covid. We have proved this, both with science and with experience.
I respect anyone's right to wear a mask or take injections, as long as they pay for it themselves, and don't involve me or my children. But I won't allow them to force OTHERS to wear a mask or take injections. That's wrong, and my family will not participate in a society that rejects medical ethics and basic human rights. I will move us to Saskatchewan before I'll live another year under this tyranny. And I'm not going to stop fighting for Liberty. Or as my wife has been saying lately, "It mandates the freedom, or it gets the horn again!"
I won't even go into how it has felt to be stared at every time I buy groceries for my family, every time I have to pick up something for the baby. How it feels to not be allowed in restaurants, cafes, movie theaters, libraries, or any other building. For your own home to be the only place you're welcome. To be disabled and have already-limited services dwindle to nearly nothing. To have trouble getting what you need because stores are closed, transit isn't running, hours are reduced, or simply because you're not welcome anymore. Segregation is demoralizing. Being outcast isn't funny, it does real-world damage to the victims. That's why it's done, because it works. It hurts people, it puts pressure on them, it makes them more controllable. I understand now, why it has been done so many times in human history, including in parts of the world in modern times. I'm disturbed that it's happening again, and worried about where it might lead if it isn't stopped.
As my newborn's birth got closer, and Covid restrictions didn't end here in BC, I got continually more upset. Nothing has made sense for 2 years, but since the calendar switched to 2022 things have just been nonstop pure stupidity. Like they're TRYING to cause a revolt. Like they're purposely doing everything completely the opposite of what makes sense, and what the public wants. Like they're gaslighting us into exploding, so they can do something really nasty.. Like they want us to try to separate from the rest of Canada.
My chiropractor is a very evidence-based doctor. He's not going to take the "vaccines". He's got 2 weeks to decide what he's going to do with his successful practice. It makes no sense that politicians are forcing this expert in the field to take an injection that will affect his body and immune system. Lawmakers and figureheads deciding what medications doctors have to take? Same goes for all dentists in BC. And all other medical professionals. They take the shots, or they're losing their licenses. Those 10 years of medical school, and 30 years of experience? Gone. You can never practice again. Utter madness!
Having predicted most of this before it happens, and then documenting it when it comes to pass, has been beyond frustrating. Like watching a slow motion train wreck. I clearly warn of what's coming, but almost nobody believes me, and when it happens nobody acknowledges that I had correctly predicted it. Over and over and over and over.
My wife has sacrificed a lot for our little family. Covid really has not helped. My children are healthy and happy for now, but what kind of world is this for them? What are their prospects? Can they go to school? Will they have friends? Can they join clubs and organizations? Will they have healthcare? How long will this segregation continue?
I love this graph, provided every week by officials. Look how few people got the third shot! Fail!!
And look how few people are getting shots now - less than 5000 per day, and dropping fast. Even at 5000 injections per day, it would take years to get everyone. The effects of these injections supposedly lasts only 10 weeks! Not that they do any good at all, but that's just how long the official studies are saying they work for. So there's no chance the vaccination plan can work. We'll never get everyone "fully vaccinated".
How many are currently triple-jabbed? 49.5% of BC! Only half the province took the third injection!
The "passports" can't work if only half of us are compliant. Even more businesses will fail without half their customer base. An entire black market would have to exist, to feed and clothe and supply and medicate the "outcast" half of society. It would be South Africa's apartheid all over again, in 2022.
Can't we do better?
Many would love to see Bonnie Henry brought before an independent inquiry, stripped of her titles, admonished relentlessly, tried for crimes against humanity, and put into service at a busy public glory hole here in BC. (She famously endorsed the use of glory holes to reduce Covid spread early on.) Perhaps, whenever she asks how much longer she has to endure the punishment, we will respond "oh, just another 2 weeks..."
When I get on my Shift, the first thing I do is either turn off the TV room television or change the away from the News channel that my previous coworker seemed obsessed by the Propaganda disguised as news.
Excellent choice!
My heart is on the floor reading your story. It's clear that the people or zombies in charge of "health" at the hospitals, are stark raving mad. I am so sorry that you and your family had to go through this absolute evil heartless treatment.
Bonny Henry is no different from the rest of the cartel. They are under the regime that has orchestrated this evil plan for a long time. They have sworn an oath that they have to abide by. Well they don't have to but they are evil themselves and don't want to suffer the consequences.
Here in Quebec we still have the mandates. I am still not allowed to go to a restaurant not that I need to but not having an option is pure evil. Even if they drop them it's just temporary. They will have their next lock step plan for agenda 2030. I see many cult followers still driving in cars alone. They just talk about Ukraine and how awful it is.
My prediction is that because of the soft spot everyone has for the Ukrainians, and letting them in unjabbed in thousands, the government will say that they brought the new strain and lock down again. People will comply because if they don't, they will be guilty of caring for them in the first place. So on and so forth. This Ukraine Russia thing is all tied in and eventually for certain people, they will be able to connect the dots. It's a multi purposed "war". Hopefully people will have the strength to turn off the television. I haven't owned one in two decades.
Sorry for saying so much. I know it's super tough for you all but thank god your kids are in the care of sensible people like you and your wife. They will be special and the future needs people like them. Congrats on your new baby!
It really is frustrating that we are at the mercy of these non-humans. I feel with you and your family. Stay strong. You will prevail. We will prevail.
@tipu curate
Nonhumans is a good way of saying it. No human would do this to another. This level of cruelty is something else.
But we're on the right side of the battle. You're right, our side will prevail!
Thank you. At first, I wanted to write beasts but that would be an injustice to the animals. There's nothing humane about these characters.
Demonic entities. Not human. They hate life and nature and are entwined and initiated into the godless, robotic, mechanical Satanists cult. The covid cult.
Covid was just an excuse and a means to an end. Now they switched to the Ukraine war for an excuse and are doing their dirty work in the background -> world government.
(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><
Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@hempy
@ervin-lemark denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@ervin-lemark thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 8/14) Liquid rewards.
Things here in BC really are horrible.
Many parts of the world are bad, no denying that. Sadly, we are done of them :((
(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><
Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@greatesteem
My heart cringed while reading your entire post. I truly admire you and your wife for staying so strong during these times! Our economy is permanently damaged and getting worse every day. Our families are divided. Cancer is through the roof. Suicides are through the roof. Children are traumatized. This is not working.
Heartbreaking. Living in such a reality and still finding strenght to hold your head high is incredible. This is mental war. Keeping your morale high and not caring about what looks people give you is of paramount importance. You are not alone! Thousands of people think and feel like you! You are strong and do not give up on your beliefs! I live in Romania where the pandemic madness kind of stopped because now the focus in on Ukraine and Putin and the war. But the segregation, the vaccine mental wash, the hostility was there. So I feel you. You are both blessed to have each other and your baby. God is over there watching you and protecting you. I am not sure what the best strategy would be: to think about leaving Canada, to stay? Only you can make a decision. The bottom line is that I truly admire your strenght and how you coped with the inhumanity that human beings showed the last 2 years. It is incredible but let's go back in history and remember that a mental wash can transform humans in monsters, ready to inflict pain and abuse onto others. Just stay strong, I send you all blessings from Romania!
I appreciate you and your comments! Thank you :))
(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><
Listen dude, you gotta move on, and understand that there is 2 worlds now. For your kids safety, I would stay away from people that don't share your views, because you will never convince them, everyone is free to believe in whatever they want, and go to their own demise. There is a parallel society that is being born out of this chaos, and that's the people you need to focus on. I know we homeschool and did home birth for our 3 kids, and I won't let anyone strap anything on me or anyone else. They can drive free men and women out of society as much as they want, it doesn't change the fact that we will remember what they've done by betraying humanity, and I really don't like sharing my views about it on hive, because it's a sad realisation, but we're the last good batch of people, then it's all gone haha 👍😁 good luck guys be resilient, be free!
Yes, and I have helped create that second/parallel society, blogging about it here as I've gone. It's what was done in every past segregated society as a means of survival. It is NOT a sustainable, efficient, or enjoyable way to live.
Personally, I don't want a parallel society, because parallel means "going in exactly the same direction, but off to one side". We want to go in a better direction, and do things better than the elites do them. Parallel would mean replicating our current failure. I think decentralization is the way forward. A decentralized society with voluntary interactions.
We would have gladly birthed our 2 babies at home, except that my wife had so much surgery and radiation as a child for spinal cancer, both she and the baby would be at serious risk of death. She is not mechanically able to delivery vaginally. I am not capable of doing Cesarean section operations on my kitchen table, and we were not able to find any willing unvaccinated doctors in our price range to do it privately. It was an agonizing 8 months, knowing we had to go into the belly of the beast to get our new family member... and likely for my wife to survive. I'm quite pleased with the overall outcome, considering the odds we faced.
My wife studied to teach (but the laws changed just before she graduated, making her degree almost useless for what she wanted to do). She ended up doing some private tutoring. Now, she's eager (and very capable) to teach our children, including languages and music. Assuming I'm still around and able to, I hope to help with math and science (where I excelled).
Thanks for your info and advice!
You're onto something, think about it. Once truly decentralized, and powered by crypto, the sky is the limit. You'll be able to do things better than the so called elite!
But it has to be parallel, it has to stem from our non compliance. That's how we're going to look attractive, and by this I mean inviting more people to join in.
Wow the fact that you still delivered 2 babies (I mean, not you haha), is a true miracle especially because of your wife's situation. You guys are trooper and have my respect! I am sure you'll be amazing parents!
I remember how shitless scared I was the day of the delivery, I can imagine it's 10000 times worse in a "surgical" environment, kudo to your wife for staying strong!
I realized I suck at plenty of things in my teachings, not perfect at all, and I am making flawed individuals for that matter haha. But the way I see it, it can't be worse that what any gov is cooking for our kids!
Nice to chat with ya, I'll be on the look out!
You too!
So how did it go at home? It must be nice to be able to control your own environment while it's going on. And be close to your own things should you need them.
To be honest I love crypto but I'm having increasing trouble being it practically. See, I don't believe crypto should involve governments, big banks, corporations, or anything that destroys your privacy (like smart devices). If it can't be done privately and decentralized, it's not really crypto, it's just another digital currency like the banks are offering now. I want real crypto, not fake bank crypto. I'll never use a smart device, and I don't have a bank account. Suddenly, crypto isn't very easy at all. Have you tried, without those things? As the years go by, I worry more and more that my crypto savings are becoming worthless to me because I'll have no way of spending them. For example, I need some cash for preps (food storage, equipment, maybe a little silver bullion)... I have a pile of HIVE just sitting there, as you may notice. Now I have to figure out how to get it into a form I can spend, since nobody takes HIVE. Pretty sure I can convert to BTC in a private wallet (like Atomic) via Blocktrades and a free account, if I do so slowly (1500 per day max). After that, not entirely sure how I'll spend it (or turn it to cash). But BTC is easier than HIVE, so that's probably the way I'll do it. I assume I can find someone locally to convert between cash and BTC, perhaps through the freedom community, although without a smart device it's a little less convenient. But that's probably how it'll have to go.
The other factor is HIVE price. I've put 5 years of full-time effort (and 0.2 BTC originally) into the 18000 HIVE currently stacked up. I'd rather not sell it all off cheap for a few grand, if you know what I mean. Hoping to see a move up (like the one to $3 in November) at some point soonish.
Thanks for listening :D
This is a great advice and encouragement!
I wonder.. does glory hole mean the same thing in Canadian?
Let's just say that donut could use a quick rinse before the next customer....
(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><
LUV level requirements were changed. See the About page for current numbers.@hempy
stay strong 💪
I can almost forgive the traumatic birth experience and slow healing process, can almost forgive the harm caused in order to satisfy rituals of mitigating risk, but that lactation consultant is going down; what an unfeeling, useless cunt. Serious harm caused from harassment resulting from textbook discrimination...
Trudeau is a puppet of the World Economic Forum and supports their unnatural agenda. The same is true for the Prime Minister of my country, Mitsotakis. Humanity has to get rid of these scum of the earth in order to survive and progress. By the way,this Bonnie Henry looks quite problematik. Keep strong @drutter.
You too, @FreedomPower! Great Hive name.
"I have an undiagnosed neurological condition that causes chronic nerve and joint pain"
Michael Brown, author of The Presence Process writes in an introduction in the book of how he had a neurological disease which he was told was incurable. The book tells of his healing journey and then offers, with excellent detailed instruction, a self-facilitated procedure (The Presence Process Procedure). Many thousands around the world have benefitted from this superb process.
i encourage you to take a look.
Here's an extract from the end of the book.
Happy to share pdf on request via Beechat or some other way.
Thank you for your work brother.
Sat Nam
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networkallstar tipped drutter (x1) tipped @drutter (x1)
Please vote for pizza.witness!
Canada is made up of provinces, and one of them, British Columbia has the most repressive COVID regimes in the world.
(3/10) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><
Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@networkallstar
but now I'm clean.
Credit: lofone
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