Israel created Hamas as justification to genocide the Palestinians

in Deep Diveslast year

Imagine if more people had known on October 7th that Israel created Hamas to wipe Palestine off the map? Their attack on Gaza would not have been permitted (even cheered and funded) by much of the Western world. It could not have happened. 35000+ innocent civilians would still be alive, 100000+ wouldn't be missing eyes or limbs, a greater war would not be spreading throughout the Eastern world, and millions wouldn't be homeless, injured, and starving right now. But we were ignorant to this important fact, which is only now being slowly allowed to seep into the official narrative.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has increasingly made it clear that there will never be a place called Palestine, ever again. In fact, he's now talking as though it never existed, attempting to completely rewrite history, as though Israel isn't a new country created by violence just 75 years ago.

"Netanyahu says he opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of any postwar scenario. He vowed to press ahead with the offensive until Israel realizes a decisive victory. He rejected the idea of Palestinian statehood, saying Israel needs control of all territory West of the Jordan river." - source

He even showed the UN general assembly a map of the region, just 2 weeks before the slaughter began, with Palestine completely removed and replaced by Israel.

CNN and other outlets have reported several times over the past few days how Netanyahu has doubled down on his position, and other heads of the government were quoted saying "I do deny a Palestinian state. Always!"

Now the UK's Secretary of Defense Grant Shapps has called Netanyahu's comments rejecting a Palestinian state "disappointing." But apparently, not disappointing enough to stop funding it, supplying the bombs, and participating in airstrikes. My country Canada is shamefully doing the same thing. Pretending to be critical, but doing everything we can to ensure it continues.

This is not a new idea the Israeli government has come up with. It has been a 75 year campaign to steal a country. A country with strategic importance, rich culture, vast resource wealth, and the birthplace of all the world's major religions. This is the final push to finish taking Palestine from the Palestinians.

Something else most people didn't know on October 7th was that Israel created and funded Hamas, right from the start decades ago.

Would the world have allowed Israel to begin their "war" on October 7th, had we all been aware Israel manufactured the reason to do so, and always intended to genocide the indigenous population and make the country theirs?


That's why you aren't hearing these facts until now. It's not like they weren't known, all along. And it's not like they aren't of utmost importance. But the mainstream was not brought into the know right away. The truth has only slowly come out, with Western state media dragging its heels all the way, barely admitting facts once they've been well-understood by informed members of the public for months.

I've been posting about it since the very start, right here on this blog! I said Israel created Hamas, in October and I said that Israel's plan is to destroy the Palestinians and take their country, also in October. Almost one third of a year later, the public is only now being informed of these vital parts of the story.

"UK Secretary of Defense Grant Shapps has called comments from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejecting the prospect of a Palestinian state disappointing, reiterating the UK's commitment toward a two-state solution." - source

He's pretending he didn't know this all along. He has to. But that would mean he (and the rest of the UK government) was ignorant to the basic facts, before backing it. Ignorant before they green-lighted the suffering of millions of people, destruction of every building in Gaza, starvation of one million children, and crushing tens of thousands under concrete. That would be pretty heinous, if it were true. But the truth is even worse - they knew.

Who didn't know, was the ignorant masses. The taxpayers. The consumers of the official narrative. They believed Israel was the victim, that October 7th was the beginning, and that Israel didn't create Hamas to justify their ethnic cleansing of Gaza. But now that we do know, will we put an end to it? Or because the truth was slow-rolled out to the public, will they remain asleep at the wheel as the genocide goes on?

Sadly, we even have people allowing this ignorance to continue, right here on the blockchain. Notice how my articles on this topic don't get votes the way all my other articles do? It's not because they're wrong, or lower quality. It's because people don't want to take a position on this, especially not against the mainstream narrative. Most people want to go with the herd, even if that means endorsing evil. Well, not me. You go ahead and pretend you didn't read this, no comment or vote, and keep allowing it to happen. Your silence truly is violence, in this case. Or, start doing your part to help promote the truth about what's happening.

Even many Israeli Jews are standing up against the genocide happening in Gaza right now. Huge protests roll through Tel Aviv every weekend, demanding Netanyahu step down, demanding peace, demanding a deal to return the hostages. "Give them whatever they want, please, just end this nightmare," they beg.


Hamas (Gaza's government and military) just raised the white flag, offering to mutually end the war, and offering to release all remaining hostages! In return, they are not asking for Israel to release the 2 million Palestinian hostages being kept in the open-air death camp called Gaza Strip. Or the thousands of innocent Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. In fact, they're not asking for anything. They are simply proposing to end the war between them and Israel, and also offering to release Israel's citizens back to them.

The Prime Minister's immediate response: "I reject outright the terms of surrender of the monsters of Hamas."

In other words, Netanyahu wants his bogeyman to continue to hold his people hostage in Gaza so that he can finish the ethnic cleansing he planned all along.

This slaughter shouldn't continue, and it doesn't have to. Pressure is mounting on Israel to end their genocide, or for them to be stopped, as more and more people, in more and more countries, become aware that Israel created Hamas to allow them to wipe Palestine off the map. Hundreds of millions - if not billions - of people are already demanding their governments stop supporting this ethnic cleansing of millions of innocent people. If the truth had been known from the start, it could never have begun, but the next best thing we can do now is ensure the whole world immediately becomes aware of the tragic reality. That's the best chance of stopping it right away.




Palestine extermination and then mass settlement into the region. Some of the Israelis participate in protests against the slaughter but I don't see that working. In Canada people protested wars and just succeeded in a show that the noise we make is ignored or we get attacked for it. The Israelis cannot even keep their own bodily autonomy from their government much less stop the extermination in progress.

I sometimes wonder if the anarchists who would like to abolish the Canadian Federal government got their way, would in a short time end up dead with the land that was dominated with a government system conquered by another country or some armed organization that wanted to become a new law maker class to replace the old one perhaps with the pretext on reclaiming an ethnic state of some kind. Perhaps they would call it the Blackfoot Confederacy controlled by people who were never even born in Canada and then some of these would later claim after about 70 years that their child of a state is thousands of years old.

Israel did not create or fund Hamas. This is absolute horseshit.

It did make a mistake by not preventing foreign money going into Gaza which ended up with Hamas.

These are not the same thing.

You are engaging in vile anti-semitism by trying to blame Israel for Oct 7.

The blame for Oct 7 clearly lies with the evil serial killer Gazans, led by Hamas, who committed these horrible crimes and documented it in real time.

There will never be a palestinian state in The Land Of Israel because the Israeli people refuse to live next to serial killers. All the Gazans must be resettled elsewhere.

If YOU want a palestinian state then lobby YOUR government to cede some of YOUR COUNTRY'S land to these evil murderers. Otherwise STFU.

Is it just me, or can your comment with slight nuances be fairly attributed to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict as well?

There are certainly similarities between Russia and Israel's position (strong power with foreign funded entities next door dedicated to their destruction on land historically part of strong power) but while Ukraine is corrupt and has engaged in some terrorist activities, it is in no way comparable to the utter evil of Hamas.

It seems Israel encouraged funding Hamas, according to the NYT:

‘Buying Quiet’: Inside the Israeli Plan That Propped Up Hamas

But what is really puzzling to me is what the IDF was doing at the border on that day. I don't know why those Hamas guys could manage to blow up the fences without any serious firefight at the border. Is Gaza border usually guarded like this?

Failing to do enough to stop money flowing to Hamas is not the same as creating Hamas or "propping it up."

Hostile borders can only be defended by depth - minefields, ditches, dragons teeth and other obstacle and hidden firing points (that can't be observed by the enemy) - See Russian defences in Ukraine. Israel tried to do the impossible and defend a border with no depth because it was politically difficult to create a buffer zone in Gaza (the correct choice) or in Israel (a defeat by loss of productive land).

Israel is now remedying this situation with a 1km buffer zone inside Gaza.
This is a small start in re-establishing the basis of Israeli deterrence - Attack us and you will lose your land.
Its the only thing Islamists understand.

Maybe you should read the article to check why NYT is saying "propping it up". Anyway, hostile borders without buffer zone can be defended by cameras, motion sensors, and military forces regularly patrolling and ready to engage. As far as I know, the IDF has been doing exactly that for a long time. But on that day, Hamas blew up the fences in broad daylight. Maybe I'm missing something, but this is really strange to me.

You have obviously never served in the military, certainly in a combat role (as I have). This is why it seems strange to you.

Depth is a fundamental requirement for any defence. This is a basic principle of warfare.

The IDF tried to do the impossible (using technology & firepower as a substitute for depth) and on Oct 7 it blew up in their faces.

Depth is essential because ANY position (observation or firepower) or armed force that is located on a fixed line (border) can be attacked and destroyed by an attacking force in a surprise attack.

ONLY by having obstacles to movement behind that fixed line and hidden firing points in depth behind that fixed line can defending forces have the time and space to organise defensive forces at the points of concentrated attacking forces.

To attack you must concentrate your forces but the attacker has the advantage of choosing where to concentrate and break through. Depth gives defenders the time and space to organise.

Without it you get what happened on Oct 7 when the enemy breaks through to rear areas and causes havoc.

The IDF is the best army in the world, but is still subject to the basic, timeless realities of warfare.

No, I havn't served in the military but I get your point. That being said, when I heard about the Hamas blowing up the fences and invading, I thought it was a bit strange. So I talked with a couple of my friends(former IDF guys), who told me it was not "a bit" strange but "really" strange, because that border is one of the most strictly guarded in the world. They suspected the border was left effectively unguarded somehow for who knows what. Considering IDF's firepower and training, Hamas didn't try this kind of reckless ground operation in the past because they knew the risk was too high. Launching rockets from a distance was more sensible for them. Maybe there is more than meets the eye, and I wonder who benefits the most from this war, politically or economically or both.

I served in the Australian Army Reserves. Australian soldiers are called "Diggers" because digging trenches and fortifications is so basic.
I think the IDF relies too much on technology some times.

Tech is great but you have to remember the basics.

Did Hamas offer unconditional surrender? Or, what were their terms that Netanyahu rejected?

I have read every post of yours on this. The rejected payout gave me the (wrong) impression that you didn't want votes.

If you have some good facts to offer to dispute the points that have been made, please record them here. The only agreement I see is that many Palestinians have died.