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RE: Canada announces Covid mandates will never end

in Deep Dives3 years ago

I think even fewer people would see my content on blurt than on hive. For me, payouts come in second to reaching an audience. So until blurt is reaching around the same number of people as hive is, it's not a consideration for me, except as a potential extra platform to copy content to. But I only post my content places I can actually support it, and comment etc. I'm thinking about not copying my content to Steem anymore, since I don't really spend time there on curation and replying to comments. Unless Blurt has a lot of eager eyes looking for content like mine, I'm not interested in adding another bookmark, writing down more passwords, etc.

That said, why am I even on Hive? I'm not reaching anyone who hasn't already heard what I'm saying from some other source. People here are "the choir" for the most part. Except the whales protecting their sacred income source, of course. Only a few are allowed in to make money here on Hive. I have not been selected into the club, despite having the reputation and 5 years of fulltime service. I will be downvoted to prevent my rep and payouts from climbing any further. So I'm not reaching many people and I'm not allowed to make money. Hmmm.


Damn brother i'm sorry to hear that.

But we have a moral obligation to put truth out there no matter what the situation.

What can we do eh? I for one will keep putting my truth videos out here. Fuck em. Fuck em all.

True that, good call.
Bro, I didn't know you did such regular content. Thanks for mentioning it here. I'm following now. (I think it's probably wise to mention one's own content, when applicable of course, on other people's posts. How else are people to know you're pumping out posts? Most of us don't have time to go check everybody's blog page very often.)

Hey man

thanks for the follow and i appreciate your support very much. Yes i don't like to plug myself at all, i find it hypocritical, but as you say sometimes you gotta do these things.

Much of my content here on hive is a mix of my card magic performing stuffs (which is a big hit on HIVE, as im one of the very few magicians here on this joint), and the others are my videos on extricating the system and breaking free from the corruption (most of this are collected on my odysee channel - link in my profile page here - where the truther community is larger).

Keep fighting the good fight man!

Mostly videos, nice! I used to be all video (started YT in 2008) but got into the blogging format here. I like being able to embed photos (and gifs) in the middle of some text, and I like being able to format my text a little bit (headers, spacing, etc). But the video format remains very powerful. I should do a bit more of it. Once I upgrade my PC and camera, I think that's one thing I'll do. Thanks for inspiring me :))
I appreciate that combination of topics, by the way. I don't know much about card magic but I do like it, so I'll check that out. And breaking free from the system is definitely right up my alley of course.
I hope you've been having a good weekend.

Yeah Hive seems to be geared towards article writing, yet here's a connundrum: people have short attention spans, so it makes me think how many people really really reads an entire article, without skimming? Only a very few.

Thats why i tend to go the video route, as i know people will lean more towards motion than static, if you get my meaning. If you're thinking of doing vids, i think it will be a very good call!

If you have a smart phone with a camera, you can begin filming your videos. Don't worry about the shiny new tech!

Thanks for supporting my channel man, i'm about to go play with my dogs!

May the spirit of magic stay with you, and fuck the system.

Oh what kind of dogs?
As you may notice by my blog page, all my posts have been sent to $0. Someone has stepped forward and accused me of a couple things, both of which I believe are inaccurate. So I've asked for clarification, we'll see.
And no, I don't have any smart devices... I'm one of those few people who have avoided them completely thus far :P
Speaking of "fuck the system", here is an old video of mine, where I'm smoking in the back yard at night, and listening to some random hip hop track I liked at the time called "fuck the system". Hahah.

Wow the downvote whales are operating in force!

I remember them doing the same to KennysKitchen, do you know the guy? Ultimately they made him give up on the entire blockchain. What a shame.

Have you considered making another Hive account to dodge this?

Maybe consider setting up like a buy me a coffee page where people could support you? It seems to be that you'll be taking a lot of heat for some time here on Hive and that your earnings will be fucked with.

I have two labradors, the joy of my life.