Hello again, Hive! I took a few days off after the birth of my daughter, but I'm easing myself back into posting. (This may not be as long or detailed as you're used to - thanks for understanding!) A lot happened since the past weekend! Freedom Convoy's Ottawa protest was brutally attacked by militarized police forces, financial tyranny was imposed by a wicked witch, government seized bank accounts and assets of peaceful protesters, and the state is promising to hunt down and punish anyone who has spoken or acted against the official narrative. It's disturbing to finally witness these developments, which I've been predicting and warning about for 15 years.
As of a 4 hours ago, Trudeau withdrew martial law, shortly before the Canadian Senate officially struck it down. The emergency is over, he says. But an emergency isn't all that is required to invoke martial law! The situation never met the requirements. After facing massive pressure from all sides to end his tyrannical actions, he's saying it was required at the time, but can now be ended. Supposedly an inquiry will be held into the whole matter (but not for at least 2 months).
It should NEVER have happened! He could have just caved. End the mandates and send all the protesters home! Restore freedom in Canada! But no, he wouldn't do the right thing. He wouldn't even speak with them. They had excellent delegates and spokesmen ready and willing to sit down at a table, but Trudeau repeatedly ignored the very possibility, claiming his only option was violence.

But on top of that, permanent changes to Canada were made over the past week, under martial law, that don't go away with the Emergencies Act! For example, the financial tyranny imposed on Canada by the granddaughter of a Nazi collaborator, Crystia Freeland, aka Trudeau's "deputy". What a witch! She, Trudeau, and all the other globalist puppets need to be investigated and punished for their crimes against humanity.
They say they're coming after us? Ohhhhhhhh, no. That's backwards! It's we who are coming after them.
Listen to a raging hired thug (Ottawa's police chief) threaten peaceful critics of Trudeau and his globalist owners:
Disgusting. He's as bad as Bill Blair, Toronto's police chief during the G20 protests in 2010 (who went on to "legalize" cannabis in 2018). They used many tactics against Freedom Convoy that were first dreamed up and tested at the G20. At the time, I declared Canada had become a police state:
It's not over
Freedom Convoy in Canada isn't over, if anyone was under that impression. Ottawa is a big redzone for now, but the weekly rallies are growing in size, and more actions (including convoys) are being launched all the time! Last Saturday was insane here in my small town, and this coming Saturday is expected to be right off the hook! It's like that all across Canada.
The "vaccines" are still killing people
post on Canada's official Covid vaccine injuries. Please have a look at how many deaths and serious injuries have already been recognized, despite the strict acceptance process. Mandating something that destroys the lives of so many people who take it is unconscionable. Where there is risk, there must be choice.My amazing wife @MediKatie has put up a
Official data shows people who are not fully vaccinated account for 32% of hospitalizations. What portion of the general population is not fully vaccinated?
So about 20% of the population is causing about 30% of the hospitalizations. (If you trust the skewed official figures.) Big deal! That's a rounding error. Besides, this is Canada. We pay for people's medical bills when they crash their car drunk, or when they eat themselves to 400 pounds, or when they break their neck basejumping off skyscrapers. If people don't want to take an injection that doesn't stop Covid anyway, they have every right. These mandates are just SO wrong.
Look at this! Almost nobody is getting the booster shot anymore. They only managed less than 50% of the population!
If only half of us are fully compliant... and some of those only due to mandates... then The People do not support this failed "vaccination" plan, and it must be ended immediately! Not just the mandates - the whole mass-injection campaign itself!
The fear they justified it with for 2 years is coming to an end. Individuals have mostly had Covid, and are sick of the pointless, destructive restrictions. Even the common sheople are beginning to ask questions. The data is no longer frightening now that omicron has come and gone:
That's the best they can do. But notice all 3 lines are dropping right now, indicating the emergency is behind us. Also, note that both the yellow and the red lines are meaningless, since cases are no longer being counted and more than half of Covid hospitalizations really have nothing to do with Covid.
Just the blue line (confirmed Covid cases being treated in ICU):
Omicron is over, the ICUs are emptying fast, and even at the peak it wasn't even as bad as the unnamed wave around Halloween! We were lied to about how bad things were at the hospitals! (I even noted during the delivery of my daughter that the hospital was mostly empty.) All these restrictions and mandates, all this economic carnage, families divided, businesses closed, children traumatized... over a lie! The hospitals were never in any danger from omicron!
Remember "it was mild in South Africa but we can't assume it will also be mild here"? They were wrong. Omicron was mild here, too. It was mild all around the world! And it's over, even here in Canada.
Articles by Canada's state-owned media continuously characterize the Freedom Convoy protest and its wide base of supporters as dangerous, racist, stupid, hateful, violent, extreme, fringe, criminal, illegal, and so on. Supposedly, 100+ investigations of crimes have been made as a result of Freedom Convoy. Is that meant to be impressive? In a protest of that magnitude, a mere 100 crimes is laughable. That's a regular Monday afternoon! Besides, the crimes are just parking tickets and fireworks violations. This protest involves millions of Canadians, and has been ongoing for weeks, and it has been completely peaceful. Martial law was uncalled for. Trudeau was 100% wrong. Ending it mow, after the damage is done, isn't good enough. He must be prevented from doing something like this again.
Instead, these monsters are promising to spend our resources to find and punish everyone who supports Freedom Convoy? They hate freedom, and hate those of us who love it. In this disturbing missive, they call us violent extremists who use Covid-19 as an excuse to spread disinformation and hatred "under the guise of freedom". They claim our "goal is to create civil unrest, including possible terrorist attacks". But Freedom Convoy has only one goal - end all Covid mandates in Canada!
Tyranny is flexing its muscles in Canada, but freedom is rising to meet the challenge, and the final outcome is not yet known! The elite did not anticipate this and have done their best to squash it quickly. They will profit off it in every way they can, but that doesn't mean they like it! We can win this. Freedom, truth, and love conquer fear, deception, and tyranny. Now is the time to dedouble our efforts for Liberty.
Great the Trudeau has been forced to back down.
Keep up the protests and keep up the pressure. You are heros.
Saturday will be incredible, even here in my town. Convoys returning from missions, convoys heading out, huge rallies and support all over. I intend to be there, and I'll bring back some interesting footage.
The libs pass the emergencies act, without meeting the threshold of an actual emergency granting themselves unlimited powers and effectively making peaceful assembly and protest illegal. This is certainly against the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms. Then, they remove the Emergency powers two days later? The issue is that this has set a precedent. That the Trudeau gov or any other future PM can declare an "emergency" and give themselves 'temporary powers' at any point. Certainly, Canada is sliding further into authoritarian rule.
According to some snowflake mps in Canada's parliament, expressing solidarity with the truckers with "honk honk!" is a dogwhistle for "Heil Hitler" !? What in the f?
I heard that too, and did a massive facepalm. It's just so stupid, but at this point I guess we should stop being surprised at how stupid everything is. Last year it was the number 88, because H is the 8th letter in the alphabet...
Hey, just heard about this Saturday's event:
Gaining momentum here in South-central BC...
Slander campaign, freezing bank accounts, seizing assets, threats of violence/intimidation, it's just like preamble to cannabis legalisation in Vancouver, Canada, all the way down to the jack boots, or rather the hooves on the ground as they bring in the horses.
Mmmhm, operation apprentice. We remember police horses trottin' down Robson Street and the media smear campaign...crazy.
A huge majority of Canada wants all mandates gone. Trudeau was totally wrong to force this and use martial law to make it happen. He will go down in history was one of the most evil tyrants humankind faced.
Look, we only need 14 days to flatten the curve
Oh dude, we're so close now I can almost taste it!
Just a few more months, maybe a year or two, tops.
I'm laughing but also crying... :|
Yikes, great thumbnail of that witch.. creepy...
I really wonder what Trudeau has next. Or rather, his owners.
(1/1) gave you LUV.
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Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@greatesteem
I don't think most people think about how crucial it is these vaccines get pulled off the market completely. Like you said it's not just enough that they don't mandate them. The crucial point to find was how exactly is it or would have been that some people died as a result of the vaccines while others remained relatively untouched. (up to this point, but it's this point that is the cause of the divide between the vaccinated and unvaccinated) It was finding that "key" to start forming a viable debate as to how they could possibly make a vaccine that harmed some while left others untouched. In the current post I am doing I think I will be touching upon that matter quite well. In patent records of one of the most genius minds in science is something called an nanotube, which he successful developed to go into cells, those nanotubes can tell how old or young a cell is, if a cell is diseased among other things. I am not saying this particular scientist did this as a nefarious thing, he's done some miraculous stuff that would or has helped toward the development of being able to repair signals to and from the brain that one day could see paralyzed people walk again....the thing is though patented work only needs to be noted back to the original inventor, meaning those with nefarious minds or intents can use this same technology nefariously. Those same nanotubes I was talking about are capable of delivering drugs to individuals, so say someone(s) with nefarious intent use these nanotubes to deliver drugs only to old and diseased cells. I am not trying to say this is really happening, what I am saying is it opens up the debate as to how it can be done considering that there's been a lot of focus on the issue of the 2030 economic worldwide crash caused by the coming retirement of the baby boom generation whereas world governments have squandered the social retirement accounts of these people and are unable to pay them back. Moving forward with the fact there is only going to be two workers for every four retirees there was simply no way this was going to be sustainable to world governments. So the big question is/was how could a vaccine be used to kill off a large segment of people without having multiple different vaccines formatted. Someone would surely catch onto that eventually. Though Dr McCullough has said there is a lot of variation in these vaccines. So if this was or is a move that would ultimately lead to mainstreaming these shots towards the older and more vulnerable, as in like flu shots, exactly how would/could they use these shots to eliminate a large swath of the elderly population between now and 2030. You have to prove there was/is an avenue for it to be done, an avenue where something injected into individuals could single a old cell vs a new cell, a healthy cell vs a diseased cell, once something of that nature could be detected a drug could be delivered to hasten that persons demise. I had already written a post on how they'd moved from also curing epidemic disease, which is costly, to moving forward in a quest of a individuals being healthy, healthy individuals are economically productive individuals, unhealthy people, whether through genetics or bad choices are not economically productive and there's to much economic lost due to these individuals. Anyway this is my whole point, we cannot stop at everything is okay because it's not mandated toward us individually, these types of vaccines have to be completely removed to protect everyone involved.
The chaos is only beginning. I sense a cold, dark future for Canada.
Well, unless the people of Canada can change things. It's never too late as long as we live.
By the way, I wrote an article the other day that you might like. It's pretty liberty-generic, but I made a GREAT picture of Troodoo that you might be horrifically amused by. Check it out if ya want. See ya!
That's a pretty freaky portrait of Turdface! Nice.
Yes, I think chaos is neverending, as is evil. We'll never be done that fight. Unless we give up, then it's over.
(1/3) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@drutter
It mandates freedom, or else it gets the horn again! :-) The convoy is the non-confidence vote they didn't let us have. !LUV
(1/1) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.@girlsofgreen
Freedom is for everybody and nobody should be restricted to have their freedom