We must follow the evidence wherever it leads

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Dr. John Campbell, who rose to fame on YouTube for his practical and measured approach to the Covid outbreak in 2020, was initially in favour of lockdowns, masks, and "vaccines". He appeared on major networks around the world and really made a name for himself, promoting the official narrative. I watched him regularly for information for a few months, but as time went on, I found him to be intellectually dishonest - and a raging statist who supported anything the government decreed. I gave him the nickname "Doctor Lockdown" and stopped watching him altogether. Recently, I was shocked to see him taking a very skeptical and critical viewpoint in his recent videos, and investigated his latest content. I found that he - with his millions of followers - had experienced an epiphany, done a 180, and now shares excellent research into the ineffectiveness and harms of the mRNA injections! He hasn't taken a shot since late 2021, no longer wears a mask, and is reaching a lot of people with the truth!


Just like Dr. Campbell, I am willing to admit when I'm wrong. I had the wrong impression about him all through 2022, and was avoiding any research he put forth, assuming he was still backing up the status quo. I'm extremely pleased to find that he has changed! I now subscribe to him on YouTube once again, and eagerly look forward to whatever he's got to say. "Follow the evidence, wherever it leads" says the banner behind him in his videos. I remember commenting almost exactly that, on his videos in 2021, admonishing him for backing up the lying government and mainstream media. So I must tip my hat to him, and thank him for seeing the light! He is now fully evidence-based, and putting out excellent truthful content that is well-researched and extremely skeptical of everything he once supported.

I've seen quite a few comments on his videos that say what I'm thinking. "Thank you for having the integrity to change your stance based on what the facts are telling you," for example. This guy built up a MASSIVE audience in a very short time, with his British accent, simple graphics, calm demeanor, and ample research. To realize he was wrong - essentially to "wake up" and go back on what he had been saying - must not have been easy! To be honest, he was such a statist stooge for a while there, I assumed he must have been paid to be that way. He got on the BBC several times, even. It made me quite sad to have such a popular voice spouting what was clear (to me) to be absolute nonsense. So I'm abundantly pleased to find he has turned away from the dark side.

Science can be misused, I wrote the other day. Not everything done in the name of science will lead us to the truth. And even good science can be taken by unscrupulous people to reach bad conclusions and justify going in the wrong direction. Science is the best tool we have at interrogating the universe around us, and finding our way, but it is limited by human fallibility.

"I was wrong" is one of the most powerful statements we can ever make, and one that can lead us to personal growth otherwise unobtainable. Dr. Campbell realized he was wrong, and began to truly follow the evidence no matter where it led him. Now I too must admit that I was wrong - about Dr. Campbell! Now that I know he has changed, and is pursuing the truth with his significant intelligence and experience, I have no problem tuning back in, and encouraging others to do the same.

So please, consider subscribing to him on YouTube or Rumble.

Dr. Campbell's latest findings

This new video (also available here) talks about a recent study that found mRNA from Pfizer or Moderna injections can be found in the bloodstream of some recipients at least 4 weeks later!

The Danish study found 1 in 11 people still had mRNA in their bodies 28 days after it was injected into their arm. Not just spike proteins, but the actual mRNA, which is what is found in the "vaccine". The researchers were able to definitely prove that the mRNA did not come from a SarsCov2 viral infection, but from a Pfizer or Moderna shot.

We've been told the mRNA, which is encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles, does not replicate. We were also told it would not leave the injection site (deltoid muscle in the arm). And yet the mRNA was found all through the bloodstream, up to (and probably beyond) 28 days after administration of the "vaccine". Researchers discovered the mRNA was taken up by the lymph nodes and transported to the spleen (in the abdomen).

So either the mRNA is replicating, which we've been told is not happening, or it survives for at least 4 weeks in the body. Health officials had previously told the public that once the mRNA was transcribed into spike proteins by our cells, it would dissipate in a matter of days.

Why haven't studies been done on this by now? Knowing how long the "vaccine" stays in the body is incredibly important, but it took an incidental finding by some independent Danish researchers to bring this out into the light! We now know mRNA does not rapidly degrade, and it doesn't stay at the injection site. This also calls into question the assumption that it does not replicate in the body.

As Dr. Campbell says, "why haven't they been looking for this?"

A larger study on this topic needs to be done immediately. Why does the mRNA persist in 9% of recipients, but not the rest? What effects does it have? Is it replicating? How much longer than 28 days does it persist? Does this have anything to do with the shedding/transfer problem? Does it have anything to do with the serious side effects of the heart, brain, and other organs?

Let's not forget, it's the spike proteins themselves which cause illness. Covid (including everything lumped into "long Covid") is caused by spike proteins. People are literally injecting themselves with genetic instructions to make toxic and deadly spike proteins... or in the case of Novavax, injecting the spike proteins DIRECTLY! All to supposedly protect themselves from a virus that is covered in those same spike proteins! Whether you get it from the bioweapon shots, or the bioweapon virus, you're getting the same engineered depopulation protein!

Thanks to the Danish study, we know the "vaccine" is either replicating inside the body, or doesn't dissipate rapidly as promised! We must follow the evidence wherever the science takes us, even if that's not convenient, easy, or comforting.




I used to call Dr. Campbell "Doctor Benfit of the Doubt" because he would say stuff like, "I don't know why they stopped offering vitamin D stations." He still has the dry, faux-naive manner. He has to say the right things or else he will be booted from YouTube. It is amazing he has lasted this long there, and I think that is the reasoning. Saying stuff like, "this is the Government report so we have to believe it." is his ironic style. Yes, he did an epiphany as the evidence has been revealed more. I am glad. He should post to Hive or Blurt where he can speak freely, but then YouTube might pull one of those violations incidents where you say the wrong stuff off the platform...

Dr. Campbell puts out good information. The problem is since many people took this product they don't want to hear about what it's causing because it's in them and realizing that is going to cause them distress. The damage is done and the truth is coming out for those that can handle it.

Dr. Campbell has a good video on excess deaths found in 30 countries since the vax started. There's no other way to explain this. The vax has killed many times more people than covid now.

"Why haven't studies been done on this by now?"

You KNOW why. This was never about a virus. The jabs are highly variable, with 5% of the jabs causing 100% of the VAERS injuries. Why? There's a spectrum of devices they're introducing into the population, that's why.

"...it's the spike proteins themselves which cause illness."

Some of the illness. Dr. Andreas Noack was murdered right after stating that the jabs contained Graphene Hydroxide - not Graphene Oxide. He pointed out it's monomolecular structure, and as the leading nanotech scientist in Europe at the time, he knew what he was talking about. Because it was so flat, he said it acted like nano razor blades, and that's why people were suffering organ damage, and getting clots.

Never heard about that since.

The LNPs (lipid nano particles) in which the mRNA is encapsulated that enables it to enter cells, was known by Pfizer in 2012 to concentrate massively in the ovaries. It's also been shown to be toxic.

Why don't we have ANY idea what's in the jabs? Why isn't Campbell asking about these things? I can appreciate he used to be a statist and he's made a massive leap. But these variable injury rates are a massive red flag that there are variable payloads in the jabs. Campbell is innately naive. He's not noticing these other factors, and while he's getting people to understand the stated payload of mRNA and spike is bad, he's got blinders on that prevent him from even noticing that none of this was about a pandemic.

This is 5th generation warfare against humanity by a cabal powerful enough to get every country in the world to follow the Event 201 protocol, mask up, lockdown, censor anyone asking questions, and jab every person on Earth, from centenarians to newborns. Most of that protocol has nothing to do with public health, and everything to do with a far different, sinister, purpose, in which all governments, pharmaceutical companies, media corporations, banks, and MILITARY FORCES on Earth cooperated in. Russia jabbed it's forces just like the USA. If the jabs aren't to prevent a pandemic - and they're sure not - then what are they both cooperating to do with them?

There's another reason for the jabs, and the variability of the contents is key to understanding that, as well as the nanoparticles. I don't want to see trials for war crimes and genocide staved off with limited hangouts. We need to dig a lot deeper than mRNA and spike protein. There's more than that in the jabs.

And it's worse.
