Here's 2 years of daily global Covid deaths on one chart, which clearly shows the pandemic threat has passed. The results are in and NOTHING we did had any effect - not the travel restrictions, or the masks, or the "vaccines", or the passports. Covid just burned ITSELF out, with mild and fast-spreading variants - like most respiratory viruses do. The latest strain was extremely mild, and 95% of deaths are now behind us. Omicron eventually went through everyone on the planet, masked or not, jabbed or not, distanced or not. Even the isolated scientists on Antarctica got it. Covid is done, and this chart says it all:

Where's the fire?
With official data like that, you wonder why the world has been turned upside down in the past year! Things aren't getting worse, they're getting better. And they were never that bad. But every news story has been about Covid, designed to increase fear and compliance. Massive propaganda. Censorship of dissenting voices. Segregation in supposedly free countries for the first time in generations. The destruction of small business and the free market. Skyrocketing suicide rates. Children traumatized and set back. And despite some "easing", a lot of restrictions and mandates continue on. Society is nothing like it was 3 years ago, and many of our rights have been sacrificed, supposedly to "fight Covid".
But the chart of deaths - the most significant and reliable indicator - makes it very clear that any threat posed by Covid is long past. At the current pace, in another week the rate of deaths will be the lowest it has been since the very beginning of the pandemic, 2 years ago.
In this image, I added a horizontal line to show how long it has been since deaths were this low:

Note each named variant produces fewer deaths than the previous. Even though omicron infected tens of times more people than any previous strain, it caused fewer deaths. Unless something very unlikely happens, Covid's natural lifespan in the human host has shifted to endemic. Like other cold viruses, it will be with us for a long time, but it poses no significant threat.
Does this look like a viral pandemic spiraling out of control?

Even with their inflated death counts, it's clearly over. Any continued restrictions or mandates must be removed. Restore freedom and allow us to begin to heal!

Here in BC Canada, the latest data shows:
- of hospital patients that test positive for Covid, 72% are fully vaccinated
- of the general population, 82% are fully vaccinated
In other words, the "vaccine" doesn't stop you from getting infected, and it doesn't even keep you out of hospital. It has no statistically significant effect. Strange that so many mandates are still in place, forcing people to take these injections!
Also from that official data, "2,633,652 have received a third dose". Only a trickle of new third injections now. The "booster" failed to catch on here in BC, now with a mere 50.0% of the total population on board. It's even less across Canada at 46%. The narrative has collapsed, the people have rejected these so-called "vaccines", and it's time to restore basic human rights!
Covid's over, and the "vaccines" didn't work. @FreedomConvoy is right - end all Covid mandates and restrictions!

I want more freedom than we had before all this started. Not just "masks are no longer mandatory". I mean roll back all the bullshit. It will take decades to sort through all the harm that has been done to individuals and society via Covid restrictions and mandates.
True. I am enjoying the masklessness even though I never wore one. People are much happier not wearing them, and people still wearing them are the minority.
The global death chart is really telling.
No wonder they don't show it on the 6 o'clock news.
Why was one left unnamed?