Democracy, Wisdom of the masses... Dogma and Propaganda

in Deep Dives2 years ago

I was thinking about something I personally think is rather obvious this morning. I still think many people don't "get" it. We hear a lot about Democracy and the Wisdom of the masses these days. I've always thought this concept was actually only viable if the masses were largely educated in critical thinking and thinking for themselves. If they are not then the masses mostly become puppets of whichever personalities they personally trust the most and susceptible to whichever messages they hear repeated the most.


I've written about that. You've heard that before. I thought of a slightly different way to put this than I have written about before. I am going to take a stab at doing so in the next 10 minutes I have to write.

What happens when you lower education standards, stop really teaching critical thinking, and even those charged with being the educators do not even have a good education?

Imagine if some charismatic person like Jim Jones, or people like those leading Heaven's Gate managed to get control of a large platform for disseminating information. Imagine if their voice was magnified to a large degree. Imagine if through this they gained even more cult followers and thus more funding. Imagine if they used that extra funding to get control of more and more media platforms. Imagine if their message being blasted at people from all directions every day of the week managed to convince policemen, judges, agents, soldiers, scientists, and more.

If you are familiar with the Jones Town Massacre, or Hale Bopp and the Heaven's Gate tragedy you might imagine those tragedies unfolding in a much larger event than they already were.

The Jones Town Massacre is where we get the phrase "Don't drink the kool aid."

If such people controlled the media then do you think there would actually be WISDOM in the masses? As they gained control of more and more media outlets and more people the people who followed them would tend to become extensions of the cult leaders. This is not wisdom.

This is some people voting based upon their own thinking, and a lot of people voting as Jim Jones, or Heaven's Gate wants them to vote.

Democracy as a concept sounds good IF conditions are right for free thinking, and educated masses. As soon as it veers outside of that lane it becomes a path to oppression, authoritarianism, forced indoctrination, peer pressure, and certainly does not resemble anything known as wisdom.

At the moment I personally think the scenario I told you to imagine has unfolded. I just think the cult leaders that have pulled it off are far more dangerous than Jim Jones or Heaven's Gate. They have managed to control, or at the very least corrupt just about every institution.

We all hear about evil or bad Kings, Emperors that went a bit nuts, Dictators, and Tyrants. These all have the commonality that they boil the problems down into being caused by a single person.

Yet what if two people are acting the same as an evil dictator? How about three, four, ten, one hundred, etc.? If the end result is the same then why does the fact it is not one person suddenly make it not a bad thing or something we don't talk about.

Well for one thing if it actually involved more than one person it is an actual conspiracy and not a theory. We've been conditioned to treat the word conspiracy as though it has the word theory always attached to it. Likewise we've been conditioned to treat anyone speaking a conspiracy theory as though they had leprosy without even pausing to consider if their theory has merit or not.

Rule by the masses is not a good thing. Consensus is the tool used to make whatever someone wants seem justified because it is "popular". The world is flat says the consensus and the person saying the world is a sphere is a witch. Let's burn them. The masses say "since we all agree it must be the right thing to do."

We have been conditioned in so many ways to think if the HERD (aka the masses) are going in a specific direction we should too. Yet just like entire herds of Buffalo could be run off of a cliff I am convinced that those that control enough of the media can effectively make the masses of society behave much like that herd of buffalo as they careen towards whatever suicidal direction the psycopath/sociopaths controlling the media point them at.

We need to stop this.

Bad ideas and bad behavior are wrong regardless of the number of people pushing them. A Democracy that is controlled by a small group of people can be just as bad as any Dictator, or tyrant.

Now before those of you that might be Marxists, Maoists, Communists, Socialists, etc. start cheering. Those things are as far as I am concerned completely herd mentality. They are also completely under the control of whomever ends up being the central planner. "Good for society" ends up being whatever those central planners deem is good for society. Everyone else must blindly follow or they are being bad for the collective and need to be reeducated or removed... No thanks. As bad as the term Democracy has become I'll take that over those things any day.

These days I think the so-called Democracies are really becoming shells that have been invaded by a Pseudo-Marxist parasite and we are just witnessing the chest bulging as the wicked little alien is about to burst from the chest killing its host.

Be selfish. I am not saying be greedy. I am saying think of yourself first. Take care of your "needs". There is also a big difference between needs and wants.

Embrace voluntary exchange. Interact with other people as long as the activities that you participate in are voluntary for all participants. Being coerced into doing something due to fear or threats is not voluntary.

Right now Democracy is a word used to shut us down. Largely the people throwing the word around on the media are projecting. They are often talking about threats to democracy for engaging in activities that are actually required for a healthy democracy to work. Inhibiting it, jailing people, stopping their free voluntary actions, etc. Those end Democracy. The media and politicians talking about threat to Democracy the most these days are actually guilty of everything they are warning you about. They are instead blaming the people they wish to silence for the actions they themselves are already engaging in.


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