Still following the money? Have you heard of this?

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

I posted something about following the money earlier in the week. I suspect what I posted there might have been more in your face for most people.


I encountered something a week ago in my own life and its been kicking around in my head as a WTF moment since then.

One of my coworkers was talking about getting a positive COVID test. He then spoke about how he went ahead and paid $400 to get a different test which came back negative.

I was shaking my head over that but I kept my mouth shut. He and his family are definitely pro-vax. He is a friend and it is his choice. My immediate supervisor is in the same boat and lives not too far from that other. Therefore, I just stay out of those discussions.

I have discussed it before with them and I have called them out for mocking/ridiculing people that refuse to vaccinate before and they haven't really continued doing that.

I did find my mind going back to the fact he paid $400 to get another test since he was pretty sure it was a false positive...

How messed up is that?

Follow the money...

This is not something I hear a lot being spoken about but these tests are turning out to be insanely lucrative business as well.

If COVID is deemed mostly a non-issue (which is my stance) then what happens to these people making fortunes off of testing?

If they can make $400 off of a test might that incentivize making certain the free tests come back positive more often?

Today I saw an article actually touching upon this topic. It made me realize that writing about it might actually be something to do. I don't know if any of you have encountered this yet.


Americans are shelling out absolutely unthinkable sums of money to get their hands on a COVID test

EDIT: Also I think the following article from Zerohedge is a must read. It has some imagery and context that you may not have encountered. I know I have spoken of these things and so have others here but it is always good to see the approach others take.

Here's What Your Fellow Americans Think Should Happen To The Unvaccinated




EDIT 2: How about some Vaccine Reparations?


The most powerful SECRET they don’t want you to realize you already possess


Could AIDS Be Considered A 'Vaccine' Under CDC's New Definition?


one more for you...

Same vibe as "Goodbye Jews" from Schindler's List...
~~~ embed:CRbqAJdRMjs youtube ~~~

Yup, yup, and yup.
These people are hypnotized. Just like they all were in WWII.
With one big difference: when the Germans said: Wir haben es nicht gewusst. They were mostly right. News didn't travel as quickly then. It was easier to keep small groups in the dark, and most who weren't actually close to where it was all happening, they probably really didn't know. Now there is no more excuse...The people now know it all. If the hordes decide us dirty disease carriers should be locked up, and they later discover it was all planned, they will have to carry the burden of knowing it all, and still going along with it. It's not like people like you and me haven't told them!
And yes, they're after the kids. That's why I think they need the 12+ kiddos vaccinated, and the younger ones unvaccinated. They can still mold the younger ones into their slaves. It's all very creepy to think about, and I feel that there's still a way to turn this thing around, but I believe it needs to be talked about.
Even if it's just so they can't say: We didn't know.

I swear if they told these sheep to wear a dildo on their forehead to protect them, they would. Before I escaped the communist state of WA, I saw a family out walking. Mom and Dad with face shields, masks, and gloves as they pushed their child in a stroller. The child, the stroller wrapped in plastic, and the infant wearing a mask. They have lost their minds. Worst case about your co-worker, the PCR test does not work. And to date, there are no official tests to differentiate between any said virus. All are under EUA, and the PCR has been recalled due to false-positive as they crank up cycle thresholds. This insanity must end now.

Worst case about your co-worker, the PCR test does not work.

Yep. I informed them of that about a year ago and detailed why. I am not the CDC so they don't listen to me. The CDC corroborated they don't work and yet they don't care...

Can't be wrong... too busy virtue signaling being right.

I hear ya. The day I lost my job I unleashed on them all. I refused to comply as they all rolled up their sleeves. Now, I only get louder. It's the reason I got back into writing to help expose all the lies and propaganda. So sick of those who virtue signal. Their compliance gives these criminals their strength. The only path forward, ZERO compliance.