My Response To The Question... "What Happens When AI Robots Don’t Need Us Anymore?"

in Deep Dives2 months ago


Hello everyone! This may be my shortest post on Hive! :)

You know, no need to ramble on when a few words can more than do the job.

I've always had this feeling of annoyance when people who havent even used AI properly get all fearful about them taking over, and who knows what! We have many movies to depict those worst case scenarios!

SO today i saw a youtube video, with the title:-

"What Happens When AI Robots Don’t Need Us Anymore?"

But, maybe the question should instead be:

"What Happens When Our Leaders Don’t Need Us Anymore because they have AI Robots?"


What happens To our leaders when We don't need them anymore because We have AI Robots? :-)

I know you understand but i thought id keep this safe here <3


If you were happily growing food on your homestead, a helpful AI could help you out lots.

You need food, the AI doesn't. The AI gets electricity from the free energy device.
You both have lots of free time, and like good friends, help each other out.

Only when we hamstring AI, by telling it to ignore the truth (so it appears more liberal, or more conservative) do we get bad AI that will be less than helpful.

The #1 place AI could replace jobs is in govern-cement paperwork. Filing, and often creating, the paperwork is a task especially suited to automation, and maybe even better with AI. Then, we could really ask questions of the data. And probably get real answers to our forecasting needs.

Govern-cement could become a few people needed for maintaining the AI.

And the nightmare scenario? The computer doesn't even know what a person is. Robots don't know what a door is. They have to be programmed to use it for egress, but they still do not know what a door is.

The movie idea of it getting smart and deciding to kill off the human race is silly. Except the part where those who believe they control the world, asking AI to help kill off humanity.

Maybe T.H.E.Y. need to go?

thast right, nailed it :)