It's happening, it's really happening.. but as many a wise man has said, "THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED". Berlin has seen 1.3 MILLION people demonstrate, Israel is seeing mass protests, the USA has seen unprecedented violence over many weeks. Those heroes and most respected people from our history are today not only irrelevant but also a relic of an archaic way of life that has long passed. The values we hold today are radically different from just 5 years ago, it is hard to keep up! The very premise of the existence of the USA and so many countries today is based on racism, slavery, violence and oppression. We seem to be waking up, all it took was to lock us up to do it!
Confederate and Columbus statues toppled by US protesters
The intensity of our disapproval of the way our founders and leaders has reached its edge. The timing is perfect, we are ready and now the younger generations are old enough to do something about it, and they have nothing to lose. This movement is just starting, we have only just started to acknowledge the problems that run deep in every aspect of our world. This will lead to change, huge change, and it will take time, We cant change all this overnight, but we can over a few years.. and that is what I believe will happen .. we will not recognise our world and the way we live by 2025.. i believe things will be very very different.. and in many ways for the better.
The revolution will not be televised, and nor will a warning of total economic collapse. Both are happening in front of our eyes, today. If you are an economist you will know the real deep trouble we are in, and things are only going to get worse. Corona is NOT going anywhere for years.. and it will be the catalyst to ensure that our current system is eradicated from the ground up. Today our governments are propping up everything in ways that would have been totally unimaginable prior to the CORONA outbreak. The USA has printed more money in the past 30 days then it has in the ENTIRE past 200 years combined. Governments are literally handing out free money, ho holds bared. Today i read an article that many restaurants in the UK can now have 50% of the bill of EVERY customer paid by the government. The customer gets a 50% discount on anything they eat! Incredible!.. and there will be repercussions.. It will take longer than it should, because our governments are literally printing as much money as they want to keep this world going! If that doesn’t show you the total nonsensical joke that money is I don’t know what does!
The Bill Gates Syndrome - Repetition = Brainwashing
Have you ever watched Bill Gates speak? I have. I've watched hours of him speaking and presenting both alone and with his wife. I would describe his character as weak, easily dominated, and someone who has good intentions but may miss the point or be led astray. He has not the character or motivation to be an evil money grabbing psychopath... but the people who have 'educated him, and work with him surely are. Microsoft was a terrible company, but it helped changed this world for the better. Bill simply wasn’t very good at making operating systems, but he tried to be. Nor is he very good at curing disease, and he certainly didn't study as a scientist or health care professional. Its safe to assume that he has received his knowledge and ideas from others.. and a man with that amount of money to throw around is surely going to attract the attention of some very powerful people.
My point is, do you think it is only Bill who will be gaining from these vaccinations? Bill gates is just an investor, he gives them money... but he did not form the companies and institutions he is supporting. The real bad boyz are the companies that make the vaccines, and do whatever they want to do with their unlimited budgets and power to ensure they get it. I really don't think it would be that hard to "send some people" to educate Bill, bearing in mind he will be offering Billions of dollars in investments.
So whilst the internet is in some kind of Voodoo anti bill gates story, I believe we are really attacking the wrong guy.. and that is a problem! As is always the way.. those with most money and most power are totally invisible. No one knows their names, and no one knows their influence. The more powerful and you become, the more you need to hide your face. When you make less money you lie and say you make more.. and when you make WAY too much money you lie and say you make less. We don’t even really know who the richest people are, but you can probably find their little helpers lobbying anyone and everyone they need to get their agendas put forwards
Bill Gates is just a cover for something much more sinister.. the desire to TRY to sell us 'good health' at massive costs to all, whilst making us more sick and dependant on toxic chemicals that are far from what medicines are supposed to be. The good news is that we are waking up! The push against the vaccine is strong, and i don't believe it will go very far. In fact i don’t believe they will even be successful in finding one that is effective. Corona Virus is a very enigmatic, strange and unknown disease.. unlike any we've really seen before. The truth is, only our bodies are able to fight it, and if we want to stay corona free then we had better just look after our health by eating well and living a balanced life. We are starting to get it, but sadly those who don't are dying much more than those who do. It wont be televised... but overweight, stressed people are so much more vulnerable than those who eat well.. its time for change.. the food in our supermarkets is POSION .. quite literally!
I cant even imagine what the next two years will bring us. All i can see is change, huge change, and amazing positive change. We don’t need our governments any more, we just need to learn how to use our technology to help us decentralise EVERYTHING! We need to take back control of this planet, and very soon there will be no choice. It has never been clearer that not even our governments know what to do, they are clueless.. and we all know it! Most of us are sitting, waiting, hoping things will return to normal.. but that world has long gone now. This is the new normal, for now.. The revolution is happening because there is almost nothing left of the systems that have held this world in place.. held back . in place....
Revolution has always been something that was violent, destructive, bloody.. but when the system itself collapses.. suddenly revolution happens all by itself.. because if we dont do something.. who will?
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Your post is just romanticising.
Those photos are meaningless.
Remember global protesting against IRAQ WAR?
It was millions and millions all shouting (peacefully) for the one demand. NO WAR!
Yeah we the people sure told them ay... and boy them changes came quick! (sarcasm)
The state of world now and into the future can be packaged in one word: DYSTOPIA.
There's examples of it everywhere already.
The one most important one I will use is the BLM "movement".
So called freedom from oppression of black, fuelled by corporate money.
So how on earth do you see remodelling of power when elite money steer the mob. It's all a circus. If you really think that actual benefit to human will be outcome then you are just a clown.
The strong arm hasn't even acted yet.
Elites aren't yet threatened. IF their freedom begins to be impacted then best believe massacres of people are coming. Who is really willing to die for change on them streets. Likely only those who fight for anarchy. So then that in itself is an oxymoron. That the ones out there, aren't even fighting for anything. Just enjoying the freedom to be destructive... hmmm... I wonder who sets that narrative.
i hear what you are saying...
but i think its different this time..
the people have the power.. if they choose to take it.
now the mood is very different,.,. before it was anti war.. now its anti government.. and the people are tired, and suffering en masse. People used to be distracted.. now they have nothing to do..
There is nothing the state fear more than mass protests.. and believe me there is NO way they can kill a million demonstrators in any Country, and especially Europe.. they can try to scare everyone, and push them down.. but when its time its time.. and I think the time is coming soon,, and maybe it wont be directly because of protests. but to me they are a sign..
lets see! what happens ;-)_ we can only really guess
I respect your optimism but that's why I gave the Iraq War example. Which was not just a cry for no war but really a cry for "don't fuck the world up" (which was the result). So if we all march against the state of the world now, we don't have actual power to make any changes.
My view is that only bloodshed achieved change. Both as the only way to touch elites, and by accepting death ourselves. Only then we can generate a movement that is willing to kill and die for result.
To gain that position of power though the people need arms. There's not many countries where that option exists. So then that leaves only a few countries where a real resistance could rise. USA in effect is in that process, but again, it's not a real movement of the people.
The other way is to have the army be that force. That's a common method in many countries. When the forces those elites command no longer hold support for them then power can and does shift. That almost happened in Turkey a few years back. It exemplified though that the people DIDN'T support it and it was the people that put their lives on the line to stop it.
So while I do agree with you that people power is a thing which can change the course of history, there are many other factors that need to align too in order for the power elite to even take the noise we make seriously.
Change is much needed, but destroying statues is nothing but vandalism. Looting shops like in the US is nothing but a criminal act by savages. What we need is people to decentralize, to take responsibility for themselves, to build a "new sane normal" on the ruins of capitalism. To establish a resource based economy like Jacque Fresco proposed. This can only be done peacefully and respectfully, bottom up, grass roots. By building up the new, not by burning down the old. I very much like the transition to rather be a "soft fork" than a worldwide civil war.
yeah! thats the one ;-) soft fork is the way! and wow is it soft right now compared to what it could be!
While I agree that Bill is a puppet of sorts, it doesn't change the fact that he's a psychopath who aims to monopolize global health. Taking Bill out won't solve things, but it certainly wouldn't hurt the equation.
Regarding the BLM protests being a sign of positive change to come, I also have to disagree, unfortunately. The spirit of the protest might be positive for most, but the outcome is inherently a Marxist revolution fueled by people who don't understand who their real masters are. They fight against the police while cheering on the technocrats in power, those who are a much larger threat to humanity. It's a symptom of compartmentalization and a lack of education and deep thought.
It's why they tear down abolitionist statues and let Lenin's statue remain untouched in Seattle. Woke culture is a cult and it is not leading to enlightenment or the justice we seek.
**well , thats kind of my point.. Bill isnt a psychopath.. but he does support the WHO, who ARE psychopaths.. .. and it is them who are monopolising global health.. Ive watched Bill and his character is anything but. WHen i watch Jeff Bezos im scared.. his eyes are like a psychopath.. Bill is a relaxed and detached person.. whos investing in all the wrong places.. but that makes him a fool and not a psychopath in my opinion..
I dont know that much about the BLM protests other than the basics.. that is a complicated matter.. but there are many HUGE protests happening all over the world.. maybe i should have focused on those relating to governance and covid..
Thanks for your comment!**
I hear you. I think it's clear Bill's "aww shucks" attitude with his sweater selection is a page from Buffet's playbook to make himself appear more likeable. The truth is, he wants control over every aspect of human society, to a level that makes him a clear psychopath.
He's got the dupers delight smirk on his face every time he talks because he can't hide his glee over getting to push his agenda. Corbett's documentary on Gates tells you all you need to know.
MMMM...mmmm. does that mean his wife is also a psychopath? oh its so hard huh! well never know really
Likely. Unfortunately, psychopathy is fairly common among the elite class.
I enjoyed reading your post for the positivity. I really hope you are right. I also read all the comments. So difficult to know what to believe. Thanks for writing.
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