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RE: The CoronaviruS Pan(dem)ic Part 5: Something Wicked This Way Comes

in Deep Dives5 years ago (edited)

I know from my own experience the following. Several years ago i got sick myself, i was Diagnosed with the flu (and an unknown virus) i ended up in a coma on the intensive care unit for months. I had the About the same effects, cytokene storm, immume system troubles, longue problems as you hear now about with covid. And i still have troubles and insane after effects even years later.

This is almost identical as what you hear and read from current covid patients, Their prognosisis are almost the same as mine, furthermore, if you compare the numbers ... people also die in these regular flu seasons, the only difference is, you do not hear about it all day on the news, where they mention each person who died.

Its just a form of propaganda, something like visual induced hysteria by the media ... there are probably mk ultru, or other secret programs run on the effects of these things for years, so yes ... the OP, has a point ... even though i think some of his theories are a little bit far fetched ...

For instance Generation Alpha ... he even mentions the most probably reason why they are called like this, these are the first generation, born fully into the new millenia

Covid 19 ... this covid officially started in 2019 ... so, the 19 is coming from that.

Furthermore, one should not forget that there’s not a body ruling the whole of earth yet, tptb wish they could, and they probably would come a long way, but we still have Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and some indo and american states not really platying along with the globalist agenda.

Yeah, another virus will probably be around the corner somewhere in the future, but with an over populated world, that is not so weird. Big changes will be indeed upon us, and it is us that should not step into the divide et impera trap they have set for us. Only unity among humanity will bring the much needed change, if we do not reach some form of consensus there ... we will indeed be lost, because i also see we are in the end game, that decides the future of mankind. Will we be slaves or free humans


The only path to FREEDOM is SELF-SUFFICIENCY (independence).

And SELF-SUFFICIENCY is the antithesis of SOCIETY (interdependence).

If each person on earth could live tax-free on their own land and grow and forage enough food to feed themselves, there would be no such thing as SOCIETY (we'd be an unaffiliated collective of hermits and family based tribes).

SOCIETY itself, and its mandatory implicit social-contract is the "problem" we need to "solve".

The key vulnerability of an unaffiliated collective of hermits and family based tribes (UCOHAFBT) is that ANY cohesive SOCIETY can overpower ANY independent individual or tribe and take their goods and force them to market their labor with either the direct threat of FORCE or by impairing their ability to feed themselves, incentivizing them to abandon their independence and instead, market their goods and labor as a member of the SOCIETY.

(IFF) you are a member of a SOCIETY (THEN) you can never be FREE.


(IFF) you are FREE (THEN) you are at the mercy of ANY SOCIETY.


First of all, thanks that you took the time to reply with such an interesting comment. While i do understand what you are saying, and where you are going with this, i do not think it is a solution.

There always have been many problems with Tribal ways of living, even nowadays especially with what you call family tribes. The bigger the family/group the stronger the pack, And the more land, crop or food you can take from others if there would not be any form of state or rule of law. If that would happen, we would have a big change to go back to the dark ages, and then we would have survival of the fittest, strongest, vilest etc. And i really hope & believe that we as a humanity have overcome that part of our history. But often reality catches up with me there ...

While i am kind of a hermit myself, living in a very (sometimes even too) individualistic country, i do see problems with people living here that originate from more tribal society’s, which also brings problems, herd/pack based mentality vs the peaceful individual is a battle you just can not win. Just as you can not win as an individual or pack from a state (like you said)

I do believe that many people want a change, because deep inside we know we are not on the righteous path, but to many people are with their good ment actions, doing the bidding of the state. We still have a small timeframe to turn things around, though the window is closing fast, and while i believe unity amongst humanity would be a major leap towards the right solution, i just have to look around to see that each day we are drifting further apart

I'm not proposing a specific "solution", I'm just trying to point out that the "problem" is much more complicated than most people think.

People love to say they want "freedom" but put very little value and effort into REAL INDEPENDENCE.

People LOVE CONVENIENCE but fail to see how it makes them SLAVES.

MOBSTERS (like the FBI and "the church") have found ways of hijacking people's natural instinctive value hierarchy.


Most often they redefine "FAMILY" as their organization, specifically the leaders of the organization, and then try to push "PROTECT YOURSELF" out of the picture with idiotic claims of "duty and honor" and false promises of memorials and eternal memory for those who die protecting the organization ("die for your country").

It's all a big con-game.

I believe if we could just teach enough people the basics tools of the con-artist, they'd be able to see through the multiple layers of scams.

It's not a specific lie I'm fighting against, it's a system of lies held together with carnival strings.

M.I.C.E. VS. R.A.S.C.A.L.S.

I’m quite aware of the ostensible reason for the names of both covid19 and Gen Alpha.

What I was talking about was the other reasons are or could be. The coded meaning behind such chosen names.

I don’t believe those countries you mentioned are not controlled. I believe the opposite is true, but they are playing their role as to appear as opposing forces in order to always have that impending threat of a world war 3. Eventually a mock war (with fighting of course) and then a fake negotiation that will result in a one world government.

Anyways, thanks a ton for reading my post and leaving a comment. Have a great weekend!

Thanks for your reply, i am aware that many people think the one world rule is already here, and Russia is also in that game ... you could be right, but i sure as hell hope not