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RE: Forced Introversion Attempts By The Covid Cult

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Very good. Thank you. You touched some points here.

Yes, this splitting up into smaller and smaller units worries me a lot. The individual, completely isolated from the other, is basically not viable in the long run. I wonder if this absoluteness is not its own death...? People cannot live like this, only survive. But survival, one can do that for a very long time, while the spirit breaks down under it and the soul loses itself.

The most important thing about working has always been the personal encounter, the short chat in the hallway or in the kitchen, the meeting in reality. We are physical beings, those who seek to deny this deny their humanity and their deepest needs. The tortured and abused are the first to disregard their most basic needs because they learned early on not to listen to themselves. I am one of those who have not believed the propaganda since day one. I have studied my family history for a long time and tried to make sense of it. What struck me as weird and inconsistent about my parents was the broken part of them, the part that was damaged by the propaganda. Other things had remained intact, and I could do something with them.

How was it with you? Did you also learn about your family history and connected the dots to what was and is currently happening?


I have not really, I'm not sure what you mean. I know the relative history as in what countries our ancestors lived in...

Oh, I am just curious. Let me ask differently: How did you notice right at the beginning that the current Corona phenomenon is a hoax? What events or knowledge did you draw on for this? (what smelled bad?)

The history of the medical system and propaganda networks. Once you understand the psychology and the terminology as well as the resilience of the human body it is clear as day. The numbers don't add up either, to this day. The science actually doesn't match the rhetoric. The whole thing stinks and the people behind it mainly the World Economic Forum and The Gates' is the icing on the cake...its been this way for at least a hundred years at this point.