Part of the problem I think, is that people like Webb are out there all alone breaking these stories, giving the powers that be, a single point of attack.
Others like Karen Silkwood and Michael Ruppert, take things on all by themselves, shining like a bright light, which makes them easier to be extinguished.
I wish Dark Alliance had been published by a group of reporters, taking the weight off of any one person, making it harder to "Assange" or "Manning" any one individual.
You raise an interesting point and I think over the years journalists have learned it IS better to work on stories together.
A great example of Journalists working together is the release of the Panama Papers and Paradise Leaks. A single journalist working on this story would have been a disaster and the story would have been spiked by his/her editor. The reason the Panama Papers were so effective is that Journalists worked closely together, in secret, researching the trove of information they had obtained and published a range of international headline stories synchronistically. The ICIJ was the group that worked on this story.
Perhaps we can think of it as - power in numbers. Isolating and silencing an individual is much easier than a group consisting of hundreds of reporters in dozens of countries around the world.