I was thinking the same thing. That they'd either have to rush the slow release poison I mean vaccine, before their potential profits evaporate OR do something to keep the "pandemic express" rolling right along...
I can still remember watching the CDC and WHO flip-flop from week to week in advising the public on how to prepare.
Yeah the contrary advice is confusing to a lot of people. I heard on ITV channel news report I think it was, talk about how confusing it was, where they tell people they can meet others like 2 peopel can meet 1 person, but 1 person can't meet two people... it doesn't make sense. Don't wear masks, wear masks... lol
It could very well be that the confusion in the media is by design and it meant to confuse the masses while other events take place in the background - the implosion of the economy, implementation of the surveillance grid, forever QE and money printing while people are trying to grapple with their own lives and how to function under the 'new normal' mix messages.