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RE: Astra Zeneca Vaccine Withdrawn : Choose Your Truth

in Deep Dives10 months ago

I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully the tinnitus condition gets better with time too but sometimes it can be permanent. Maybe there will be a treatment or cure that can help.

Covid did mess up cancer treatments too, some could be an increased risk directly by vaccines but others not diagnosed or treated as quickly as it should be if it wasn't for lockdowns and social distancing etc.
We lost a cousin and an uncle (her father) this year to cancer and my uncle thought his skin cancer could have been noticed sooner if it wasn't for lockdowns. He was a doctor and used to meet other doctors socially regularly before Covid so they could have seen it on the back of his head and told him to get checked. He got treatment after cancer was diagnosed but it didn't work in the end likely because it was not spotted soon enough.

For Covid vaccines I'm still skeptical but I do trust the effectiveness of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine and others. For some vaccine we are clearly better off as a society by having them in my opinion.


Yes, I agree. Many called me anti-vaxxer in recent years, but I have always vaccinated with safe and mature vaccines that have proven to give immunity. I don't even call these covid-19 things vaccines because there is no immunity. They are therapeutics at best.

I was very out spoken in January 2021 on. Got downvoted for it. Much The data has been available since 2021 and we have been lied to endlessly.