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RE: Less Is More

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Funny you watch Bjorn too,
Shame he is still only on Youtube though… (I manage to follow him anyway with CSS, without youtube account)

Never tryed flakes, I should one day.
And yes their fear propaganda on tobacco box is stupid. (I rebox the tabaco in preserving jars, to avoid seing this bullshit)

And next year I'll try to solve the issue of tobacco once for all and grow some myself. (May be less good than these mixes out their on the market but will be mine.)


How does the CSS work?

My bad wrote too quick I meant RSS.

And if the question remain RSS is a protocol that you may use With an appropriate software to follow any content.
For youtube channel it is a little tricky but doable

Bjorn channel link :

Only the channel id change.
For another channel you need to look into page code to find.