Elon is bad. Messed with me at cloning. Is totally down with them.
Elon Musk and his bought and paid for 15 year old “Grimes” have been at cloning stabbing me and blabbing at me while I’m in restraints. So the celebs can see and hear them.
The grimes woman doesn’t even remember cloning. Passes her around to people at cloning to bang. She’s willing. All doped up there.
~ Donald Marshall
Why you should NEVER believe Elon Musk! (part Deux) ~ Thunderf00t
BONUS PICTURE of Elon Musk hanging out with Ghislaine Maxwell
~ Donald Marshall
Hey buddy. Who's Donald Marshall? I'm totally unfamiliar....
Cool video. The "normie view" will obviously be to say "it's difficult to make predictions" rather than even acknowledge that at the very least it's an easy way to manipulate and put more value in company stock
He's the biggest whistleblower of all-time.
Gotcha! Plenty of reading for me there, thanks ;)
That shit sounds bonkers, but why not, I've heard of those "centers"...
good of course):
It sounds bonkers, but #HumanCloning is starting to be pushed in the news (as somethingThat technology has been around for a long time but it's been hidden from us.
Yeah bro I'm on bitchute everyday so I saw the pods, quite scary and pushing that cripser eugenics bullshit