Day 617. Stupid Russian attacks.

in Deep Diveslast year


18 tanks 43 armored personnel carriers. Of course the 42 artillery systems absolutely is a shocking number. Four mlrs, three anti-aircraft warfare systems one aircraft.

Don't forget 20 drones and only two cruise missiles in fact Russia can't produce cruise missiles in enough numbers and has shot the majority of its stockpile so now we see Russia really struggle on that aspect let alone the only 20 drones? Of course the 34 vehicles and fuel tanks as well as 13 special equipment. Basically today highlights the fact that the Red army really is having a massive problem in this entire conflict and the destruction of the Soviet dream continues with continued human way of attacks and brain dead strategies.

43 artillery pieces. Basically that means Russia's getting torn apart on the battlefield on top of being incredibly outraged in the artillery game. As that continues to revolve around that horrible thinking toilet bowl you would think that you would try to protect some kind of military assets instead of negligently just throwing them in. And now the keywords is that Rush is living on borrowed time and is sacrificing men and equipment for time.

In the northern front we see Russian forces move a armored column up and precisely get torn to pieces. Even the fleeing Russian vehicles ended up receiving catastrophic losses.

So Ukrainian forces on the southern front decided that they were going to welcome the new Russian general in charge of that front line section of fighting. Unfortunately the strike has not produced any information about casualties and this guy might not have even survived his first day at the office or maybe it was just his office that didn't survive. However of course precision missiles being able to Target far behind the Russian front lines as well as now having the Russian soldiers rat out the command leadership? That changes the entire game. We continue to see Russian courses suffering in this conflict and a lot of people just say that it is not fair. The even more delusional will complain and say that the Red army is going to prevail. However any realistic and same person looking at this conflict is going to dramatically see how badly off the Red army happens to be. As well as question the sanity of the Russian military leadership.

Wow incredibly we also have China now also claiming and Island from Russia in the middle of a river. Incredibly this isn't the first time that China has demanded Russian territory. Of course it is an extremely weird thing as there has been no previous Chinese demands upon Russia for this island let alone a distinct lack of international claim dispute about the island as well. We continue to watch China pushing and testing its expansionist boundaries. Of course the last time they threatened and demanded Russian territory Vladimir Putin just laughed at them. Which I have a feeling is going to be the only real reason why there is going to be an issue.



He posted this minutes after I hit post on my writing yesterday so I'm going to include it today because it really does point this out... Stupidity of the red army as it destroys itself.

Stupid Russian attack fails. Ukraine wins it.

Third separate assault battalion.

Apparently Ukrainian women absolutely are encouraged to join the military forces and learn medicine. Apparently we are going to have a massive amount of Ukrainian women doctors at the end of this conflict as we continue to watch the Red army get absolutely wrecked.

The Russian dude.

What a shame.

70% Russian casualties in a single attack.

Fought for 3 days with a bullet under his armor. At the stabilization point near Bakhmut.

Ukrainian field hospital receives Frontline combat casualties. As they treat and process these individuals the story is one of Hope and endurance.

Ukrainian forces happen to have extremely high quality medical Care. Tactical casualty care and knowledge has been passed down from the entire world's militaries. That incredible amount of life-saving knowledge as well as the donations of massive amounts of medical supplies? Have a direct and massive impact on the battlefield. Yep that's right we see Ukrainian forces getting world's best kind of medical Care. Quality Western medicine is saving lives that normally would be lost and returning soldiers to the front lines quicker and with less long-term damage.

And the heroes that come through? It's like the guy that fought for 3 days while wounded. Being ambulatory and still being able to continue the fight is absolutely something that can happen to soldiers. The stress of the situation means that sometimes you don't even register that you are in pain. As well as dirt packing the wound preventing bleeding and assisting clotting? And with temperatures dropping so quickly that also has an extreme ability to stop human beings from bleeding as well as bleeding out.



Medical supplies.

An artist cannot paint without paint. A mechanic can't work on anything without tools. And nurses and doctors cannot help patients without the proper as well as quality medical equipment.

One thing that I do notice is these medical facilities are absolutely packed full of medical supplies and equipment.

And that's really good thing for all of the Goodwill across the world to have helped to the point where we see Russian forces absolutely totally capable of providing the best quality medical Care to the Ukrainian forces that are coming off the combat fronts.

Russia takes 300,000 losses..

This guy's got great news however it is a couple of days old.

Firstly he goes over is the useless smoke screen attempt to protect the Russian Crimean bridge that is already twice previously stuck and we are just waiting for them to end up receiving another strike.

He goes over the complete and total operational evolution of the Ukrainian military. Which while it is a massive feat it is also setting up the Ukrainian military to become one of the most renowned military on the planet. Ukrainian forces are really working on assembling some of the greatest coordinated military weapon systems on the planet and technology is absolutely changing the balance of power.


Russian losses have hit astronautical numbers today.

18 tanks as well as 43 armored personnel carriers 42 artillery systems just leads the entire pack. Which basically now means that we're watching Russian forces just driving equipment to the front lines solely to lose it. This loss rate of Russian equipment is not sustainable on long-term. And the fact that this is happening two years into the conflict? That is a really big situation. Don't forget the fact that the Russian military inventory is ending up finding its bottom? That absolutely is a fact. Russia cannot continue to lose equipment and vehicles at this rate.

Three anti-aircraft systems. That is actually a number that is really shocking. The fact that three of them were hit in a single day once again highlights the domination of the Red army by the Ukrainian military forces.


Ukrainian forces continue to push forward in the key amphibious assault. You created forces continue to hold their presence and have even gotten the Russian commanding officer fired.


And the secret to Ukrainian military amphibious assault success here in this area happens to be the extremely heavily camouflaged boats. This is a really good idea. The fact that they are camouflaging these boats and able to ninja across the large river has now scared and demoralized the Russian Red army to the point where we're going to see a bunch of issues happening very fast. The fact that Russian forces really are screwed in this area highlight how badly this situation is going for the red army. Let alone the tactical fact that Russian forces have wedged themselves into an extremely defensible position and that the Ukrainian forces have heavy weapons that outgun as well as outrange the red army forces on the southern front here. Basically this is a trap. The smartest thing that the Red army could do would be to simply just run away and leave Ukrainian territory. The worst thing that they could do would be to attack the bait. And that's something that I have a big feeling is going to really change this conflict. These Ukrainian soldiers are just bait.

Incredibly we actually also see the fact that Russian forces are attempting to shift a massive amount of reinforcements over to this area to prevent the continued breakthrough that we are continuing to watch.

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I'm still waiting for the Chinese to make their move one Taiwan. It's perfect timing for them with a war in Ukraine and Israel...

Happy Birthday again, enjoy those awesome tacos!

Yeah china can't afford this. And would get wrecked.

Well, most of the write up I have read here concerning Russia/Ukraine war is totally different from what I do get some times from TV presenters , often time I will be confused on what to believe in

Wave Media

Only difference is that pro Russian sources say they are winning and don't take losses.

The rest of the world is just watching and looking on as the red army grinds itself into dust.


Great that you found this NATO outlet to tell you their truth ;)
