Oh I do believe I remember that a bunch of people smashed you with down votes a few times as well so of course I take it this is just your way of being just like them. Lol
Just because you lost a conversation got butt hurt and now are down voting all of my posts yes absolutely.,..
If you want to act like a bitch I can't stop you, you can do whatever you want that is your right.
But you're just screwing yourself in the end! Lol.
So once again I'm dying of laughter because you lost a conversation and flipped out running around down voting me and now I go from actually having a bunch of respect for you and what you've done to now making jokes about you...
Not downvotes and not secret, I follow a curation trail and am manually adjusting overrewarded posts.
Lol yeah it's down voting and that's your right to screw yourself. Your offendness is offensive.
Thank you for removing your vote a d losing your curation reward.
Enjoy the delegation.
You aren't fooling anyone and good job lieing. Lol!
My offendness, lol
Oh I do believe I remember that a bunch of people smashed you with down votes a few times as well so of course I take it this is just your way of being just like them. Lol
Just because you lost a conversation got butt hurt and now are down voting all of my posts yes absolutely.,..
If you want to act like a bitch I can't stop you, you can do whatever you want that is your right.
But you're just screwing yourself in the end! Lol.
So once again I'm dying of laughter because you lost a conversation and flipped out running around down voting me and now I go from actually having a bunch of respect for you and what you've done to now making jokes about you...
Love it.
you really should go back to your weed. but then, you are so much fun here!