Mexico only gets a small fraction of the guns they have from the USA.
How about the massive amount of Russian hardware? They sure don't get the full auto Russian AK-47s and RPG 7s from American gun dealers.
Oh yeah how about that fast and the furious program that ended up killing a few Americans. Yep apparently the cartels can get away with all that and so can the government.
However I challenge you instead of talking about the tiny fraction of semi-automatic firearms that come from the United States... How about the massive amounts of military grade rocket launchers grenades explosives and all the rest of the ordinance that is coming into Mexico from China.
Other than that you've got an excellent amount of news. Personally I'd be very careful about reporting on the Mexican cartel violence as the blowback has claimed a massive percentage of all reporters who have touched on it...
May you be well! And keep up the awesome work with posting!
Thanks for always stopping by. Look, I would have to check, but I still believe that the volume of U.S. weapons crossing into Mexico is at least significant or representative. Blinken himself has acknowledged it twice this year, not discounting that there may be as much or more traffic from Asia. Now, from there, what I have seen most about the issue is in terms of finances, in addition to the fentanyl controversy with the Chinese. Thank you again for your always productive comments that led me to investigate and delve much deeper into the issues I am dealing with. For example, I found it very positive and I was unfamiliar with what you pointed out here about the history of American democracy. Best regards from Cuba.
Yep Chinese military shipments of weapons dwarf the smuggles pistols and semi automatic rifles coming from the USA.
I seen how they are demanding guncontrol here in the USA and that the USA is supplying this conflict. Which is completely crap. A Chinese container ship delivers more military grade hardware than Mexico has ever been able to smuggle in.
Yeah... Then the Mexican military.... Where the corrupt soldiers steal more military weapons.
Yeah the cartels don't go get into gunfights with semi automatic weapons.
Now them 50 caliber rifles? Those are coming from the USA.
So yeah no fast and furious information.... No indepth reporting... Just again more pushing of the anti gun USA is to blame propaganda..
Blame China for the fentanyl,and the military grade hardware.