He absolutely committed war on the Canadian people and has now upset everyone including anyone who has cryptocurrency investments..
The truckers now need to demand even more.
How about gun rights restored to the citizens of Canada?
Especially with the massive amounts of violence and crime the past couple of years ordinary citizens need protection not only from criminals but from their government.
But Justin Trudeau is the best thing that happened to Canada as the common people are uniting against him!
Maybe this will be a turning point and a resolution for Canadian citizens to reclaim their freedom.
I do not see the freedom convoy and these protesters asking or including the first Nations people that have been fighting against the tyranny of the Canadian government.
It seems like freezing assets as well as attacking people's livelihoods jobs finances and other defamation of character by the leader of Canada is just going to result in a firestorm of backlash that he cannot escape.
Canada please don't stop. Canadian citizens please reclaim your firearms Rights and freedoms!!!!!!
Had the veterans shown up carrying AR15s.... Justin Trudeau would have thought twice about actually speaking those words if he would have been afraid of his citizens.
And don't forget this is inspiring people from across globe to rise up and fight back.
Well said. The Canadian government is playing a dangerous game that could really backfire on them, as they continue to push and over-exert their authority. Unfortunately, I'm seeing a wedge being forced between the first nations and the convoy as the media and hardcore leftist's and FN peoples themselves continue to push the false narrative that the convoy is a white supremacist movement and that somehow if it were a movement of POC that the government would have wiped it out immediately. Complete nonsense and this 'should' be evident now that the emergencies act has been invoked. I hope that now perhaps the FN peoples can see that this is overkill on behalf of Trudeau and his cabinet and hopefully they can better recognize who the real enemy is.
Well that's just the thing is is now Canadians need to start recognizing and supporting the first Nations protesting and continual fight for freedom because they've been doing it for how many decades.
And absolutely with this huge issue of white supremacy. I am seeing such a diverse and worldwide population in the protesters that those claims are absolutely ridiculous.
When you have so many people of all these different faiths... Why is it that you have these false narratives coming out with slander and abuse.
Just imagine the political ads that are going to be coming in the next election cycle when the idiot Justin Trudeau tries to continue holding office.
Like I said there is going to be a huge amount of change here very shortly.
Since Canadians are being oppressed maybe they need to demand their gun rights back.
We are fighting for that exact same thing right now with so many open infringements upon gun ownership in the United States as well as constant legislation attacking the second amendment specifically.
Government overreach in North America needs to be curtailed and we need to really focus on Mexico Latin and South America. The people of the United States and Canada have a lot of good intentions we just need to have follow through.