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RE: About Food Shortage/ Crisis - Guerilla Gardening, Permaculture, Aquaponics - FEAR

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Food security is definitely financial freedom especially in these times.

And absolute phenomenal job and uncovering the fact that the United States has been paying Farmers to destroy their crops.

In doing so they have ended up causing a massive issue for themselves as well as the rest of the community however the farmers were forced to make a decision between zero money and not being able to sell their crops or plow them under and get paid 1.5 times the crop amount...

This entire food shortage issue is by design.

I get food assistance myself and with prices increasing 30 to 50%, they only gave me a 5% increase in benefits which is more like losing 25-45% every month worth of food....


however the farmers were forced to make a decision between zero money and not being able to sell their crops or plow them under and get paid 1.5 times the crop amount...

But also only because they have conspired with the government against the market and their own people.

There are also many market oriented, well running permaculture farms.
They dont have any problems atm.
Enough customers. Dont need fertilizer for permaculture. Etc

The farms you are talking about are being paid to kill their land since decades..